
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) engages in multi-objective integrated planning to achieve its regional goals and to guide local project implementation. These regional plans incorporate the best available science and data related to watershed and community health, and include strategies informed by local expertise, knowledge and priorities. Additionally, NCRP planning documents include the relevant priorities and goals of key partner agencies, such as the California Department of Conservation, California Resources Agency, California Department of Water Resources, Strategic Growth Council, State Coastal Conservancy, State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Department of Food and Agriculture, and the USDA and its agencies.


The NCRP planning and project implementation framework is focused on a set of integrated, multi-benefit objectives that protect and enhance watersheds, develop and maintain built infrastructure (water, wastewater, energy, communications and transportation), and sustain human communities through the lens of public health, economic development, jobs and local revenue.

The NCRP regularly develops plans that reflect the shared goals, objectives, strategies and priorities for the North Coast Region. The North Coast Integrated Regional Planning – Healthy Communities, Functional Watersheds and Viable Economies webpage includes the NCRP Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and other strategic planning documents and science-based assessments.



Priorities For Enhancing Watershed, Fireshed, Forest, and Community Resilience in the North Coast Region

This Plan represents a shared vision for watershed, fireshed, forest, and community resilience in the North Coast region of California. Resilience includes the capacity of communities and ecosystems to recover from and adapt to extreme events such as wildfire, flooding, and drought, as well as impacts from climate change, economic, and health disruptions.



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North Coast Resilience Plan

The Plan is guided by and aligned with the goals and objectives of Tribal, federal, state, regional, and local plans. It was created with input and guidance from hundreds of experts, partners, and community members, using the best available data and information, including Indigenous science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge, regional remote sensing, and local knowledge. The Plan includes a comprehensive list of Strategies that articulate a shared regional vision, and Solutions and Projects to implement this vision. Guided by Indigenous knowledge, Good Fire is a critical tool for revitalizing and enhancing the resilience of forests, watersheds, and communities.



NCRP Forest Health Pilot Grant

The Forest Health Program addresses the risk to California’s forests from extreme disturbance events including catastrophic wildfires, drought, and pest mortality. In 2023, the NCRP was awarded a CAL FIRE Forest Health Grant as a pilot project to demonstrate an integrated approach to achieving the mutual objectives of the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFFC) and CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program.


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Forest Health Program Pilot

The NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Grant will be implemented by NCRP in partnership with CAL FIRE and will adhere to the goals and requirements as defined in the California Climate Investments, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Forest Health Program, and Regional Grant Pilot Guidelines.

CAL FIRE’s Forest Health Program awards funding to landscape-scale land management projects that achieve the following objectives:

Forest Biomass Strategy

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) and the Watershed Research and Training Center (WRTC) are partnering on a multifaceted initiative to collect, aggregate, and process woody biomass produced from projects that reduce hazardous fuels in the region’s forests and landscapes.

North Coast Forest Biomass Strategy

Initiative Overview

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North Coast Forest Biomass Strategy

The North Coast Feedstock Aggregation Pilot Project will help drive community and landscape-scale fire hazard reduction, watershed health, and economic resilience. Providing community-led solutions through direct funding, local coordination, and resource sharing should enable more treatments to restore fire resilient forests and lead to lower wildfire risk around our communities. See the North Coast Forest Biomass Strategy webpage for more information.

Project Planning Tools

The NCRP has developed model planning and policy tools that are compatible with the region’s unique rural natural resource economy, promoting approaches that will help to reinforce and build the value of the natural infrastructure, while promoting functional built infrastructure, community health and economic vitality. Tools include the Small Community Toolbox, which helps water service providers make decisions about maintenance and upgrades and model planning and policy tools with context sensitive strategies that reflect local priorities, constraints and support for the specific needs in the North Coast.

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NCRP Small Community Toolbox

The Small Community Toolbox is intended to help small utilities develop a “first order” understanding of what their options are, how they should begin to budget, where to find funding opportunities, and how to get help. This resource is organized around the steps associated with the “Utility Management Cycle”. Tools contained in the Small Community Toolbox webpage may be provided as documents, maps, charts, or links to web resources.

PDF Resources

North Coast Plans, Policies and Reports

November 2023
The comprehensive list of plans and guidance documents includes municipal plans, climate planning, natural resources and watershed plans and assessment, state agency plans and documents, and relevant federal planning documents, including species recovery plans and salmonid recovery planning. The list is provided as an excel spreadsheet with links to: the document website, brief summary, agency, and key word associations and is organized by Watershed Management Area of the North Coast region.
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Guide for Tribal Renewable Energy Sovereignty Master Planning

December 2016
Guide for Tribal Renewable Energy Sovereignty Master Planning. The Bear River Tribe developed the guide to other sovereign nations and municipalities as a template for developing on-site renewable energy to supply a year-round energy surplus for all energy needs, with particular applicability to other North Coast sovereign nations and Humboldt County.
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Planning Guide for Development of Tribal Environmental Protection Ordinances

October 2016
The Yurok Tribe developed a Planning Guide and a Model Tribal Environmental Protection Ordinance intended to assist other Tribes to improve their environmental protection programs. The Planning Guide describes the steps and options necessary to develop a Tribal Environmental Protection Ordinance.
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Model Tribal Environmental Enforcement Response Plan

August 2016
The Yurok Tribe developed a Model Tribal Environmental Enforcement Response Plan is intended to assist other Tribes to improve their environmental programs and focuses on enforcement elements. The Model Tribal Enforcement Response Plan is offered to other tribal nations as a template for their efforts, with particular applicability to other North Coast Tribal nations.
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Decentralized Wastewater Treatment System Planning Model

October 2016
The Hoopa Valley Tribe developed a guidance document about current technologies available to treat and manage wastewater on Tribal lands. The guide includes: Options Evaluation Methodology; Disposal Solutions Scenarios; and Management Model Guidelines
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Site Resilience and Energy Assessment Process for Key Assets Guide

December 2016
The Redwood Coast Energy Authority outlined a process to identify, evaluate, and prioritize critical facilities that are a good fit for on-site generation, energy-storage, and load-management systems to support continuity of operations when the grid is down, as well as reap the environmental and cost-savings benefits of those systems during regular operation. Site Resilience and Critical Essential Services Model Toolkit accompanies the Site Resilience and Energy Assessment Process for Key Assets Guide.
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Site Resilience and Critical Essential Services Model Toolkit

December 2016
This toolkit is designed to help with Energy Assurance Planning (EAP) for a region of interest.  Each sheet contains information and instructions for filling out the tables. More details on the general EAP process can be found in the companion document Site Resilience and Energy Assessment Process for Key Assets.
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North Coast Irrigation Water and Fertigation Management Tool

August 2017
The NCIWFMP uses Excel workbooks as an input framework for agricultural producer inputs and is based on calculating a water and nutrient balance for a variety of crop types for enhanced management of farm resources and to maximize crop production.
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Project Funding

Since 2005, the NCRP planning process and project implementation has been financed from a variety of sources, including via IRWM grant funding; California Energy Commission, Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant Program; Strategic Growth Council Sustainable Communities Grant funding; Department of Conservation, Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program; and local cost-share agreements with the Sonoma County Water Agency. NCRP funding awards from 2005-2023 total over $127 million and leverage over $160 million in funding match. With its commitment to achieving multiple objectives through local action, the NCRP is well poised to attract and utilize new federal, state, local, and private funding sources as they become available.

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Learn more about the NCRP Funding Solicitations

NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Grant

With funding from the CAL FIRE Forest Health Program, the NCRP is providing solicitation materials and guidelines to support projects that seek to significantly increase fuels management, fire reintroduction, treatment of degraded areas, and conservation of forests: mitigating climate change, protecting communities from fire risk, and strengthening rural economies. Project proposals are due August 4, 2024.

NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 Solicitation

The NCRP anticipates allocating $8,480,000 in funding for the implementation of priority projects.  Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 grant proposals were submitted Februrary 1, 2023.

NCRP Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Grant Program

In 2021, The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) provided grant funding through the Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Grant Program.  The drought relief goal was to address immediate impacts on human health and safety and on fish and wildlife resources, and to provide water to persons or communities that lost or were threatened with the loss or contamination of water supplies. The NCRP received 25 project proposals to be considered for inclusion into the NCRP Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Grant Proposal for submittal to DWR on January 14, 2022. Funding Awards to NCRP were made to 17 Priority Projects for a total of $8,592,756.

NCRP Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Planning

NCRP was awarded $4.25 million in funding from the California Natural Resources Agency and Department of Conservation for planning and the identification and implementation of local and regional projects to improve forest health and increase fire resiliency. The goal of the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) block grant is to develop a North Coast Regional Priority Plan (RPP) and to prioritize, develop, and implement projects that improve forest health and fire resilience, facilitate greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and increase carbon sequestration.

NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 Round 1 IRWM Implementation Project Solicitation

The Proposition 1 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program provides funding for projects that help meet the long term water needs of the state, including:

  • Assisting water infrastructure systems adapt to climate change;
  • Providing incentives throughout each watershed to collaborate in managing the region’s water resources and setting regional priorities for water infrastructure; and
  • Improving regional water self-reliance

The North Coast funding area Proposition 1 IRWM allocation was $26.5 M and had approximately $22 M available for implementation projects over two rounds of funding.

On March 15, 2019, the NCRP received 36 project proposals in response to the NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 IRWM Project Solicitation for a total request of approximately $35.5 million. The Technical Peer Review Committee (TPRC) conducted their technical review and met to discuss the project proposals and select draft Priority Projects. The Policy Review Panel unanimously approved the suite of Priority Projects on April 26, 2019. The regional proposal was submitted to DWR in September 2019. On April 23, 2020, DWR announced the Final Award.

On-going Implementation Project Application Form

Increasingly, funding opportunities for project implementation require or give preference to projects that are included in an Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Plan. The Preliminary Implementation Project Application will provide a mechanism for including projects on an on-going basis into the NCRP IRWM Plan.

Other Funding Opportunities


Updated February 2025


California Natural Resources Agency.

California Natural Resources Agency grant resources.

California Grants Portal.

This site is managed and hosted by the CA State Library to provide a centralized location to find state grant opportunities.


This is a searchable database containing federal funding opportunities.

California Financing Coordinating Committee.

The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) combines the resources of four State and two Federal funding agencies to provide a one-stop shop for available grants, loans and bond financing for infrastructure projects.  Since 1998, the CFCC has conducted free funding fairs statewide each year to educate the public and offer potential customers the opportunity to meet with financial representatives from each agency and learn more about their currently available funding programs.

Air Resources Board Funding Wizard.

The Funding Wizard is a searchable database of grants, rebates and incentives available in California — gathered all in one place —to help you pay for sustainable projects. The Funding Wizard team combs the internet for funding opportunities in categories such as energy, air quality, climate change, transportation, urban development, waste management, and water.

CAL FIRE Grant Program.

CAL FIRE offers several grant opportunities each with its own scope and funding priorities.

Cal OES Grant Search Web Page.

This web page provides information regarding FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs and has other grant-related information available.

CalEPA Environmental Justice Action Grants.

Environmental Protection Agency’s (CalEPA) grant proposal solicitation for Round 2 of the Environmental Justice Action Grants Program is now open. Solicitation will close on Friday,
February 28, 2025 at 11:59pm PST.

CDFW Grant Opportunities.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife grant programs fund projects that sustain, restore and enhance California’s fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats.

Funding Navigation for California Communities.

Funding Navigation for California Communities offers the most prominent funding opportunities for local governments and communities. These resources are available to communities across California and are categorized into eight “Project Types.”

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Upcoming Grants web page.

Opportunities relevant to the Sierra Nevada region and throughout California are presented in a sorted list with grants due soonest on top. The list includes opportunities for Tribal nations.


Opportunities available through the US Economic Development Administration.

US Army Corps of Engineers’ Continuing Authorities Program.

A group of nine water resource related authorities contained in several different laws. The purpose of the CAP is to plan, design, and construct water resources projects of limited scope and complexity. Project types include stream bank and shoreline protection, navigation improvements (dredging, widening turning basins), erosion mitigation, sediment management, flooding protection, and aquatic ecosystem restoration.CAP projects do not require project-specific authorization from Congress.

US EPA Specific Grants Program.

Provides information about opportunities available through US EPA.

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

This searchable website allows the user to filter by program, eligibility, and topic.

USDA Rural Development.

This page lists current and past Notices of Solicitation of Applications and Notices of Funding Availability.



Clean Drinking Water Well Assessment Grant Program.

The Rural Community Assistance Corporation is offering free well assessments and water quality screening for nitrate to private well owners

Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Grants.

The Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Grants program is split between $2.5 billion in matching grants for industry, also known as the Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Grants, and $2.3 billion in formula grants for States and Tribes, also known as the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant Program.

Rural Community Assistance Corporation Community Facility Loans.

This program offers short-term loans for early property acquisition and predevelopment, interim construction costs and long-term permanent financing. Applicable facilities include public and nonprofit office buildings, treatment centers, emergency and transitional housing, assisted living, human services, pub­lic safety, child care, education and cultural facilities. Link active as of 8/16/24.

Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience Small Community Funding.

Small Community Funding is available to help small disadvantage communities (small DACs), providing drinking water service to less than 10,000 people or wastewater service to less than 20,000 people and having a median household income (MHI) of less than 80% the statewide MHI, with technical assistance needs, interim water supplies, and implement eligible drinking water or wastewater capital improvement projects. The Small Community Funding Program continuously accepts applications starting with a simple pre-application. Website last updated 2/17/22.

SWRCB – County-wide and Regional Funding Program.

The State Water Board has funding available for counties or eligible partner entities to receive funding to implement regional programs that address drought-related and/or contamination issues for state small water systems (state smalls) and domestic wells serving disadvantaged communities (DACs) and low-income households. Eligible applicants: Nonprofit Agencies and Counties.



EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water Online Training System.

The online training system is a self-paced training system that provides an overview of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations and is available to anyone interested in learning about drinking water regulations. The online training system can be found at:

Grants Learning Center.

The Grants Learning Center is your gateway to the federal grants world. This page contains basic information about federal grants, including a community blog, an “Introduction to Video Series,” Community Questions, using the search function, and other basic and detailed information to help understand, evaluate, and apply for federal grants.

ICARP List of Organizations Offering Pro-Bono Technical Assistance.

The Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program (ICARP) Climate Services team has compiled a list of organizations that offer pro-bono technical assistance.*orem1*_gcl_au*NDYzNjQ3OTM5LjE3MTYyMzc4ODY.*_ga*ZGRmZWVkOTEtZDY1ZC00NjRmLTlmMGUtODZjMTliZDQ4Mjlh*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTcxOTI2ODU3Ni45LjEuMTcxOTI3MjE5NC40OC4wLjA

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals Online Training Opportunities.

These online courses contain assignments, quizzes, videos, examples, downloadable spreadsheets, and other resources. While they are self-paced, each course provides the opportunity for individual interaction with subject matter experts. Online courses currently available through the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals include:

Air Quality Planning for Wildland Smoke

After a Wildfire: Health and Safety Considerations

Emissions Inventory Fundamentals / Advanced

Intro to Air Quality in Tribal Communities Radon Fundamentals

Managing Road Dust in Tribal Communities

PPE for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Residential Building Science Review

Tribal Data Toolbox Version 3.1

Writing Quality Assurance Project Plans

National Renewable Energy Lab Decision Support for Tribes.

NREL’s State, Local, and Tribal program partners with federally recognized Tribes, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and other organizations to provide Energy Decision Support, which connects Tribes with credible, timely, and actionable scientific information on which to base their energy decisions NREL provides the following tailored programs:technology and market analytics, direct technical assistance, capacity building, and resilience assessment and planning. For more information, visit the technical assistance description.

On-Request Technical Assistance from DOE Office of Indian Energy.

The DOE Office of Indian Energy provides federally recognized Indian Tribes with technical assistance to advance Tribal energy projects at no cost. Technical experts  provide support t with energy planning, housing and building energy efficiency, project development, policy and regulation, resilience, and village power.

Partners for Fish and Wildlife.

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program provides free technical and financial assistance to landowners, managers, tribes, corporations, schools and nonprofits interested in improving wildlife habitat on their land.

Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households in CA (Water and Waste Disposal Projects).

This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with predevelopment feasibility studies, design and technical assistance on proposed water and waste disposal projects.

Urban Sustainability Directors Network.

The Urban Sustainability Directors Network has produced Seeking Federal Funding A Guide for Local Governments (May 2024).

US DOE Clean Cities Coalition Network Technical Assistance.

Clean Cities connects transportation stakeholders with objective information and experts to assist with alternative fuels, fuel economy improvements, and emerging transportation technologies. For more information, visit the technical assistance description.



Coastal Conservancy Grants.

Most Conservancy grants are awarded through a rolling pre-application solicitation.  This includes Climate Ready, Wildfire Resilience, and all regional grant programs.

Headwaters Economics.

Any incorporated community in the U.S. can apply, including towns, cities, counties or tribes. Eligible applicants must demonstrate high wildfire risk, strong stakeholder engagement at the community level, a collaborative relationship between the land use planning and fire department, and opportunities for land use planning to benefit community wildfire risk reduction efforts.

Indian Land Tenure Foundation.

ILTF makes grants to Indian nations and nonprofit organizations for land-related initiatives in education, cultural awareness, economic opportunity and legal reform. We work to promote education on Indian land ownership and management, increase cultural awareness of Indian land tenure, create economic opportunity on Indian-owned lands, and reform the legal and administrative systems that prevent Indian people and Native nations from owning and controlling their lands.

Seventh Generation Fund.

Seventh Generation Fund focuses on cultural revitalization, leadership development, tribal sovereignty, and culturally appropriate economic development. The primary purpose of our work is dedicated to Indigenous Peoples’ self-determination and the sovereignty of Native nations.

USDA NRCS Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations (WFPO) Program.

The Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention (WFPO) Program helps units of federal, state, local and federally recognized tribal  governments (project sponsors) protect and restore watersheds.