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June 16, 2024

NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Project Solicitation

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a request for proposals for NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Projects that increase fuels management, reintroduce fire, treat degraded areas, and significantly increase the resiliency of forests in the North Coast, while also mitigating climate change, protect communities from fire risk, strengthen rural economies, and improve water and air quality.

Project Applications are due AUGUST 4, 2024

Proposal Materials, Project Review Guidelines, Schedule, & Proposal Support details are available on the NCRP informational website: NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Grants

Project application materials must be submitted using the NCRP Project Tracker system.
View the recording of the workshop which provided an overview and answered questions: Solicitation Process, Application, Materials & Subcontract Admin Workshop

The team of technical assistance providers is made up of regional experts that can provide peer-to-peer proposal development support based on project need. The time allotted to each entity receiving proposal support may vary but is estimated between 2-6 hours or more based on need and availability.

Wednesdays at 12:30, June 5 – July 31
on Zoom for real-time question/answer sessions and to schedule peer-to-peer proposal development support meetings (no registration needed). Weekly office hours will also include Tribal only break-out sessions to meet with the Tribal Engagement support team.
Zoom Meeting Link

To provide GIS support to project proponents, spatial data technical support includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Help project proponents develop and fine-tune GIS polygons representing their proposed project areas and the proposed activities within the project area.
  • Provide basic mapping and reporting to produce maps and summary reports for the proposed project area.
  • Provide general information on available GIS datasets relevant to forest health project planning in the NCRP region.

Spatial Data Technical Support is provided by:
NCRP’s GIS support team, Tukman Geospatial staff
Contact Mark Tukman at mark@tukmangeospatial.net



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June 14, 2024

Upcoming Opportunity – Capacity Needs Assessment

In the upcoming months, the NCRP will be conducting capacity needs assessments and surveys to help inform and prioritize capacity enhancement investments, in a fair and transparent manner throughout the region. The NCRP will use the information from this assessment to inform a Regional Capacity Enhancement Strategy that is expected to expand the type and amount of NCRP capacity investments.

We look forward to working with regional partners on this important work.

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June 13, 2024

NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Workshop: NCRP Landscape Priority Areas for Forest Health Projects Assessment

This online workshop was held on June 12, 2024 to provide an overview of the NCRP Landscape Priority Areas for Forest Health Projects Assessment to assist project applicants:

An online workshop was held on February 22, 2024 with the assessment developers Tukman Geospatial, NCRP and partners to review and discuss parameters for the assessment. Responses to questions and feedback were prepared by NCRP Staff Team and Tukman Geospatial:

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June 12, 2024

Listening and Learning Session on Wildfire Resilience in the North Coast

This session was held in person on June 13, 2024 and included:

  • Brief presentations by Tribal, federal, state and local leaders and experts
  • Interactive conversations to gather input from attendees
  • Development of strategies for enhancing collaboration among Tribes, federal, state and local agencies, NGOs and other entities working on wildfire preparedness and response
  • Results from the day will inform priorities for the North Coast Resource Partnership and its many Tribal, federal, state and local partners
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April 5, 2024

Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance for Project Development

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer a Request for Proposals for Technical Assistance to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development and grant applications for the following programs:

  • NCRP Regional Forest & Fire Capacity (RFFC) program
  • Other funding programs for projects that improve forest health and increase wildfire resilience

Types of TA provided by NCRP consultants may include grant development, preliminary project design/planning, site assessments, mapping and GIS analysis, permitting, project benefits quantification, and cost estimates. Selected applicants will receive technical assistance directly from NCRP technical assistance providers.

All proposals, including supporting documents, must be submitted via the NCRP Project Tracker; please see the NCRP Project Tracker Technical Assistance RFP webpage for instructions and more information.

Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis via the NCRP Project Tracker and are reviewed quarterly after: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1.

Apply by August 1, 2024 to be considered in this round!

For more information:

  • General questions or assistance with NCRP Project Tracker: Rose Roberts at rroberts@northcoastresourcepartnership.org
  • For Tribal project questions, please call or email NCRP Director of Tribal Engagement, Sherri Norris sherri@cieaweb.org or 510-848-2043, and/or Javier Silva, Tribal Technical Assistance Coordinator, jsilva9806@gmail.com.
  • Note that Tribal project sponsors can request proposal assistance from the NCRP Tribal Engagement Team.
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April 4, 2024

Tribal Engagement with CEQA and NEPA Online Workshop

This workshop with Legal counsel, Sara Clark, and urban planner, Kristi Bascom was held on April 15, 2024. A link to the video is available below.

The presentation covered:

  • CEQA and NEPA basics, how they are similar (and not)
  • Different ways Tribes and Tribal organizations may engage in a CEQA or NEPA process
  • Best practices for representing Tribal interests
  • Key CEQA and NEPA process milestones to be aware of
  • Legal options to pursue if needed
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April 3, 2024

North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meeting – October 18, 2024

The next North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meeting is October 18, 2024.

The meeting will be held in Del Norte County.
Meeting location, agenda and other information will be posted here in September.

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May 9, 2023

NCRP Request for Qualifications

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) maintains an open Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to identify consultants to provide an array of technical services for the North Coast Region. Consultants may be contracted to provide technical assistance for project sponsors throughout the region who apply for and receive awards through the NCRP Technical Assistance Program. In addition, consultant services may include providing content and review for North Coast planning documents, research, data development, spatial analysis and mapping, project identification, development, evaluation and enhancement, and regulatory and permitting assistance.

Consultants that have submitted recent SOQs and are currently on the List of Consultant Resources for the North Coast Region do not need to resubmit. If consultants wish to update their entry on the List and/or update their SOQ, please contact Rose Roberts, rroberts@northcoastresourcepartnership.org.

Proposal Packet

All proposals should include a Cover Page along with Specific Proposal Requirements as described in the NCRP Consultant Request for Qualifications and an SOQ that will be included in the publicly available List of Consultant Resources.

Delivery of Proposals

Proposals should be emailed to rroberts@northcoastresourcepartnership.org.


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April 30, 2023

North Coast Resource Partnership Quarterly Meetings

The NCRP Leadership Council and Technical Peer Review Committee Meetings are held quarterly on the third Friday of the following months: January, April, July, and October, except where indicated. All meetings are open to the public with opportunities for public comment.

Please Join Us!


  • October 18, 2024 – Del Norte
  • January 17, 2025 – located to be determined


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