Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, Reclaimed Water Project
February 2017
This project includes 2,500 feet of reclaimed water piping to an existing aboveground tank that will be repurposed to supply reclaimed water to the wetlands.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Energy independence and climate mitigation, Water quality
40.6321609512 -124.195544895
Big Rock Community Services District, Stabilize Water Storage Tank
November 2014
The project replaces the system’s existing water storage tank with a new steel tank built to modern seismic standards and anchored in granite bedrock.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
41.79624981 -124.0666227
California Land Stewardship Institute, Agricultural Water Conservation and Reliability – Russian and Navarro River Watersheds
May 2018
The project implements agricultural water conservation practices and develops municipal recycled water as a source for irrigation water, thus lessening demand for instream water.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
39.114417 -123.1906282
California Land Stewardship Institute, Fish Friendly Farming and Ranching
November 2014
This project will improve 20,000 acres in the Russian, Gualala and Navarro River watersheds by implementing water quality improvements
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality, Water supply
38.86575924 -123.0298436
California Land Stewardship Institute, Fish Friendly Farming Environmental Certification Program
March 2013
The FFF Environmental Certification Program worked with three agricultural landowners to identify and assess pollutant sources, prescribe Best Management Practices (BMPs), and implement projects to ameliorate and prevent their recurrence.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.89836255 -123.1206515
California Land Stewardship Institute, Russian River Watershed Agricultural Water Conservation and Reliability Program
November 2014
This project will implement a municipal recycled water system for agricultural frost control and irrigation to replace direct diversions.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water supply
39.11303458 -123.1822043
California State Parks – North Coast Redwoods District, Head Hunter/Smoke House Non-point Sediment Reduction Project
August 2010
This project eliminated road-related erosion by recontouring the landscape to pre-disturbance topography.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.75609786 -124.1011343
City of Crescent City, Crescent City Wastewater Treatment Plant Renovation
March 2014
This project will improve the capacity of the Crescent City wastewater treatment system to adequately treat wastewater to meet pollution control standards for water discharged into the Pacific Ocean.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water quality
41.83982207 -124.1424717
City of Crescent City, Elevated Water Tank Rehabilitation
July 2017
This project will seismically retrofit and perform health and safety upgrades to the existing 50,000 gallon welded steel elevated water tank.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Water quality, Water supply
41.83982207 -124.1424717
City of Etna, Water Supply Project
December 2010
This project will ensure continued domestic water supply reliability for the City of Etna, fish access to habitat above the dam, and accurate stream flow data.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water quality, Water supply
41.426701 -122.9208018
City of Eureka, Martin Slough Interceptor Project
March 2013
Phase 1 of the project provides storage capacity for more than 150,000 gallons of wastewater that, during high intensity rainfall events, would otherwise be released into the Martin Slough Watershed as Sanitary Sewage Overflows.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.75697397 -124.1858971
City of Fort Bragg , Waterfall Gulch Transmission Main
November 2014
This project replaces the Waterfall Gulch Raw Water Transmission Main and replacement will incorporate solutions for better access to the line in case of emergency.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
39.4269024 -123.7691168
City of Fort Bragg, Summers Lane Reservoir Project
September 2016
The project constructed a 45 acre-foot reservoir to store water delivered from Waterfall Gulch, which increases the availability of water to the City of Fort Bragg, increasing the community’s resiliency to climate change.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Water supply
39.427376 -123.794632
City of Fortuna, 12th Street Integrated Stormwater Enhancement Project
March 2020
The City of Fortuna’s 12th Street Integrated Stormwater Enhancement Project addresses goals and policies identified in the City’s General Plan and Storm Drain Master Plan pertaining to the enhancment of storwater management, natural resources, safety, and aesthetics. This multi-benefit project provides a sense of welcome and arrival to the City from Highway 101 to the…
Water quality
Fortuna, CA, USA
City of Rio Dell, Rio Dell Emergency Water Project
May 2016
The project will re-develop two existing drinking water wells to pump, treat and convey clean drinking water and will monitor ground water adjacent to the site via three groundwater monitoring wells.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Water supply
40.49236768 -124.0976338
City of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County Water Recycling and Habitat Preservation Project
March 2013
The project involved the construction of pipelines, pump stations and filtration for delivery of tertiary treated recycled water to urban sites relying on potable water from the Russian River.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water quality, Water supply
38.44569894 -122.7433002
City of Ukiah, Ukiah Valley-Redwood Valley Water Supply Reliability Intertie and Well Development Project
July 2019
The project provides water supply reliability by constructing three new wells, upgrading existing and building new interties to connect six public water systems.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
39.189574 -123.2067016
City of Weed, Boles Fire Water System Rehabilitation/Water System Restoration
December 2016
The project consists of installing approximately 5,000 linear feet of 6- and 8-inch water mains, including valves and appurtenances and nine fire hydrants.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Water supply
41.42640908 -122.3594058
Del Norte County, County Service Area # 1 and Crescent City Lift Station Rehabilitation
April 2018
This project will upgrade 7 sanitary sewer lift stations to reduce sanitary sewer overflows, reduce power consumption and improve worker safety by installing 21 SCADA systems which will allow for remote diagnosis of pump status or operational mode.
Built Infrastructure, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Water quality
41.83982207 -124.1424717
Del Norte Resource Conservation District , Del Norte Agricultural Enhancement Program
November 2014
This project will implement key components and practices of dairy waste management systems to significantly reduce nutrients and pathogens running off or leaching from dairy crop fields.
Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.78989761 -124.0635572
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District, Bodega Bay HU Water Resources Management Project
November 2014
This program combines a suite of approaches to restore a resilient, sustainable riparian corridor and in-stream habitat for endangered CCC coho and threatened steelhead trout.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.33325 -123.048057
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District, Gold Ridge Coastal Watersheds Enhancement Project
November 2014
The project will integrate strategies to improve water resources including: water storage systems and sediment source reduction and habitat improvement projects.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.43043614 -122.9631503
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District, Salmon Creek Sediment Reduction and Water Conservation Program
October 2012
Project implementation included the construction of eight residential and small agricultural-scale rainwater catchment systems and upgrades to the Bodega Water Company distribution system.
Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water supply
38.35727582 -123.058484
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District, Working Landscapes Drought Resiliency Project
December 2019
This project builds long-term drought resiliency for agricultural operations by increasing rainwater capture and storage and by enhancing soil water holding capacity through soil health improvements.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Water supply
38.37242925 -122.9124516
Gualala River Watershed Council, Flow Bank Program – Phase II
January 2020
This project will reduce diversions in the Gualala by installing off-stream storage systems for the North Gualala Water Company, the Kashia Tribe and the South Coast Fire Department establishing a more reliable water supply for increasingly severe drought cycles.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water supply
38.76669075 -123.5204518
Gualala River Watershed Council, Gualala River Sediment Reduction Program
November 2009
This project incorporates five high priority road-related NPS sediment source reduction projects.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.6541177 -123.3585033
Gualala River Watershed Council, Gualala River Sediment Reduction Program
December 2015
Gualala River Watershed Council will collaborate with landowners to treat sediment sources on priority road networks to prevent sediment from entering the watercourses in the Lower Rockpile basin.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.77687467 -123.4206091
Gualala River Watershed Council, Sediment Solutions for the Gualala: Phase III
November 2009
The project included landowner collaboration, monitoring and timber and ranch road sediment reduction and assessment.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
38.75789285 -123.4608183
Gualala River Watershed Council, The Flow Bank – Protecting Stream Flow in the Gualala River
June 2017
The project will install fifty-five 5,000 gallon residential and commercial rain water catchments and five 55,000 gallon systems to catch winter rains for use during summer low flow periods.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
38.76669075 -123.5204518
Happy Camp Community Services District, Happy Camp Water System Upgrades – Phase 1
December 2018
A water flow meter and water quality monitoring equipment will be installed to provide continuous monitoring and the existing pressure transducer equipment will be upgraded.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Water quality
41.79895368 -123.3733303
Happy Camp Community Services District, Happy Camp Water Treatment System Upgrade
November 2015
This project will upgrade the existing water filtration plant to protect and enhance water quality and public health for an economically disadvantaged community.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Water quality, Water supply
41.788081 -123.38522
Happy Camp Sanitary District, Indian Creek Sewer Pipeline Crossing
November 2015
The Indian Creek Sewer Pipeline Crossing will decommission the existing sewer pipeline and replace it with a new pipe crossing and infrastructure.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality
41.790993 -123.378997
Hoopa Valley Tribe, Hoopa Valley Public Utility District Conservation Project
February 2018
The Hoopa Valley PUD will replace over 900 aging, inefficient water meters and obtain leak detection equipment to help identify and mitigate system losses.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Water supply
41.05405013 -123.6748055
Hoopa Valley Tribe, Lower Supply Flood Risk Reduction and Fisheries Habitat Improvement Project
March 2019
Removal of the south bank Supply Creek berm and widening the floodway will reduce flooding and reconnect Supply Creek with its former floodplain, supporting a more complex and naturally-functioning stream corridor with a restored riparian overstory.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.04393655 -123.6955684
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, Angelica Creek Fish Passage
November 2020
This project consists of building fish passage improvement for two culverts on Angelica Creek that have been identified as a major impediment to steelhead migration.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital
38.979729 -123.057947
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians, Community Test Wells and Water Security Study
January 2017
The project will establish the legal framework between the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians and the Hopland Water District to investigate and drill three groundwater test well sites in Hopland.
Built Infrastructure, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
38.98578938 -123.0557356
Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District , Blue Lake Fieldbrook Pipeline Support Retrofit
November 2014
The project addresses the potential loss of water service to two communities that serve approximately 2,880 residents during flood conditions or after an earthquake.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.904983 -124.039593
Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District, Ranney Collectors 1 & 1A Lateral Replacement
November 2013
This project implements the 2nd phase of a multi-phase project, installing new laterals in Collectors 1&1A.
Built Infrastructure, Water supply
40.90769507 -124.0500065
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District, Mid Van Duzen River Ranch Road Sediment Reduction Program
June 2011
This project implemented erosion control treatments which reduced sediment delivery. while building community trust allowing for voluntary improvement of natural resources.
Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.59750764 -123.873558
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District, Restoring Stream Flow and Fish Passage on the Eel River Delta
February 2018
The project will restore habitat, hydrologic function and connectivity between Francis Creek, Salt River, and the Eel River Estuary as part the Salt River Ecosystem Restoration Project.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.61129767 -124.3040955
Humboldt County Resource Conservation District, Salt River Restoration Project
December 2013
This project will enhance hydrologic, sediment transport, wetland, and floodplain function in the Salt River watershed by restoring geomorphic features and tidal influence and reducing sedimentation from upper tributary watersheds.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.59775305 -124.2780889
Karuk Tribe, Camp Creek Habitat Protection-Road Decommissioning Implementation Project
November 2016
The Camp Creek Habitat Protection – Road Decommissioning Project involves 16 miles of road slated for decommissioning within the ecologically sensitive Camp Creek Watershed.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.329453 -123.613014
Karuk Tribe, Lower Mid-Klamath Habitat Protection-Road Decommissioning Implementation Project
November 2016
This project decommissions roads to remove and stabilize unstable fill and reestablish the natural hillslope drainage pattern along the intervening road reaches.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.3040646 -123.526964
Lewiston Park Mutual Water Company, Lewiston Valley Drinking Water Intertie Pipeline
July 2017
This project consists of an intertie that would provide water security to the community by allowing the two water companies to share water supplies during drought, fire, or other emergencies.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.70033441 -122.8081363
Lewiston Park Mutual Water Company, Meter Installation
January 2020
This project will install water meters on all water customers. The information provided by the meters will be used to inform further conservation measures.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.70033441 -122.8081363
Mattole Restoration Council, Lower Mattole River and Estuary Enhancement and Drought Resiliency Project
October 2019
This project will implement riparian and floodplain restoration; habitat enhancement; and estuary slough restoration.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital
40.2951175 -124.3274872
Mattole Restoration Council, Mattole Integrated Water Management Program
March 2013
MRC’s Good Roads, Clear Creeks Program, of which this project is a component, offers a means for voluntary treatment of sediment and temperature problems through inventory, treatment and monitoring.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.18962017 -123.9857939
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Implementing On-Farm Water Conservation Projects in the Navarro to Address Critical Low Flows
January 2019
This project will implement on-farm conservation projects to demonstrate water-saving technologies to the local agricultural community, including water storage tank installation and irrigation system upgrades.
Climate resiliency, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
39.06619606 -123.4461752
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Mendocino County Working Landscapes Riparian Demonstration Project
November 2013
This project includes Upper Russian River Arundo removal and riparian enhancement of Denmark Creek.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality, Water supply
39.15173059 -123.6356214
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Navarro Watershed Road Sediment Reduction Project
October 2009
The project treated 18.6 miles of road, including 103 stream crossings, 6 road drainage discharge points, 4 landslides, and 4 ditch relief culverts.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality
39.1074761 -123.4849146
Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Water Conservation Technical Assistance to Mendocino County Tribes
February 2019
This project consists of water audit technical assistance; access to new technology developed to conserve water; leak detection services for Mendocino County Tribes in partnership with the Rural Community Assistance Corporation.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
39.20314958 -123.2007667
Modoc County, Newell Water System Renovation
November 2010
The project replaced deteriorated drinking water pipelines to protect public health and stop loss of treated drinking water to ensure safe drinking water for the community of Newell.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
41.88638563 -121.3708304
Montague Water Conservation District, Instream Flow Enhancement through Water Conservation
June 2019
This project will line 1.3 miles of Montague Water Conservation Districts Main Canal, where significant delivery loss occurs. In exchange the water district will permanently allocate the volume of water conserved, estimated at 680 acre-feet per year, for instream beneficial uses.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water supply
41.72520681 -122.5249005
Northwest CA Resource Conservation & Development Council, Trinity River Water Reliability and Drought Resiliency Project
November 2019
This project consists of outreach to landowners with existing water rights to improve efficiency of water use and convert diversion systems to utilize slow flow pumps that collect water during the wet season for use in the dry months.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.67200821 -122.9912829
Pacific Coast Fish, Wildlife and Wetlands Restoration Association, Redwood Creek Erosion Control
October 2009
The project consists of erosion prevention treatments on prioritized road segments in Lacks and Coyote Creek watersheds to reduce sediment delivery, improving watershed health, water quality and salmonid habitat.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.06137162 -123.8779396
Resort Improvement District No.1, Shelter Cove Water Recycling Project
March 2017
This project will expand a water recycling program, reducing withdrawals from Telegraph Creek and reduce wastewater discharges to protected marine ecosystems. This project will also complete design plans for a water treatment plant expansion and prepare a recycled water monitoring plan.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality, Water supply
40.03750616 -124.066858
Salyer Mutual Water Company, Water System Improvement Project
November 2013
This project will build a dedicated distribution system and replace water mains; install fire hydrants for fire protection; and install/replace shutoff valves to reduce leaks and water shortages.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Energy independence and climate mitigation, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.88901294 -123.5819139
Sanctuary Forest Inc., Mattole Flow Program: Mainstem & Tributary Storage and Forbearance
May 2020
This project improves summertime streamflows in the Mattole River headwaters by seasonally limiting diversions through storage and forbearance, thereby increasing water quantity, improving water quality, enhancing rearing requirements, and facilitating fish passage.
Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality, Water supply
40.02168696 -123.9373804
Sanctuary Forest Inc., Mattole Flow Program: Storage and Forbearance
March 2019
The project improves summer streamflows in the Mattole River headwaters by seasonally limiting diversions through storage and forbearance, increasing water quantity, improving instream water quality, enhancing rearing habitat, and facilitating fish passage.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water supply
40.02168696 -123.9373804
Shasta Valley RCD, Groundwater Monitoring Implementation Program for the Shasta Valley GSA
September 2018
The purpose of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the Shasta Valley Medium Priority Basin 1-004 (the Basin) and the Basin’s public and private stakeholders, gather and submit pertinent data to the GSA to utilize in preparation of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan to satisfy the requirements set…
Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
Yreka, CA, USA
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, Arauja Dam Restoration
October 2017
The Araujo Dam Project improved fish passage and water quality while ensuring regulatory compliance and economic viability of agricultural operations.
Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
41.72999849 -122.5600044
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District, Shasta River Drought Response and Irrigation Efficiency Project
September 2019
This project will help landowners to control irrigation efficiency and address the concerns of the Shasta River TMDL by improving water conveyance infrastructure, replacing inaccurate flow measuring equipment, and providing water efficiency monitoring.
Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water supply
41.64432314 -122.5118847
Shasta Water Association, Dam Restoration
December 2013
The project improves fish passage and water quality while conforming to state regulations and maintaining economically viable agricultural operations.
Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality
41.68667249 -122.5314418
Siskiyou County, Siskiyou County Septage Pond Closure
November 2015
The project will excavate septage waste and impacted soil from the affected site and relocate it to an impermeable surface on the adjacent property.
Built Infrastructure, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality
41.74999278 -122.472938
Sonoma County Water Agency, Northern Sonoma County Water Conservation Program
September 2018
The Program will launch a direct customer education program and will expand a Rebate Program to install high efficiency clothes washers, high efficiency toilets and urinals, and turf conversions.
Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Energy independence and climate mitigation, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
38.50725311 -122.7839222
Sonoma County Water Agency, Sonoma – Mendocino Immediate Drought Relief Project
January 2018
The project implements BMPs through installation of high‐efficiency fixtures and replacing high water-use turf in drought sensitive areas of Sonoma and Mendocino counties.
Climate resiliency, Energy independence and climate mitigation, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
38.96911069 -123.0966625
Sonoma Resource Conservation District, Russian River Coho Drought Resiliency Planning and Implementation Program
August 2020
Sonoma RCD is partnering with Gold Ridge RCD to develop and implement comprehensive water conservation plans for landowners along five tributaries of the Russian River that have been identified as critical to coho salmon.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water quality, Water supply
38.45708943 -122.9314158
Trinity County Resource Conservation District, West Weaver Creek – Channel and Floodplain Rehabilitation
November 2014
The project involves pool and riffle construction, spawning gravel augmentation, and riparian planting to improve instream habitat that will reduce water temperature in Willow Creek.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.73765678 -122.9659076
Trinity County Waterworks District #1 , Raw & Recovered Water for Irrigating Public Agencies
July 2010
The water treatment plant used nearly 150,000 gpd to backwash the filtering system, which treated nearly 1.2 million gpd for the Town of Hayfork.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Water quality, Water supply
40.55391268 -123.1614391
Watershed Research and Training Center, South Fork Trinity River – Spring Run Chinook Salmon Restoration Project
January 2019
The project will increase wild spring run Chinook populations through in-stream restoration, improving reach-scale physical geomorphic processes and thermal refugia water quality.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
40.62560506 -123.4519785
Weaverville Sanitary District, Weaverville Water Conservation and Rainwater Catchment Demonstration Projects and Education
November 2013
This project will meet Coho Recovery Plan recommendations to: “Develop incentives for water right holders to dedicate instream flows for the protection of coho salmon.”
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
40.72443977 -122.9350954
Weott Community Services District, Additional Water Storage
January 2017
This project will plan for and design a 500,000 gallon steel tank boosting water storage capacity to 30 days, sufficient to deal with most emergencies.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water supply
40.33964277 -123.9059771
Westhaven Community Services District, Water Loss Reduction Project
December 2016
This project will install new water mains, shut-off valves, and fire hydrants to reduce water losses and increase water supply reliability to allow hook-ups of customers with inadequate or contaminated well water.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
41.03501754 -124.0964994
Westhaven Community Services District, Water Storage Tank and Roof Replacement Project
October 2017
This project will construct a new roof to protect treated water in the existing tank from possible contamination and install a second tank to bolster water supply reliability and allow the original tank’s roof repair.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Water quality, Water supply
41.0346492 -124.1000737
Westhaven Community Services District, Westhaven Water Tank
November 2015
The project will construct a new glass‐lined steel 85,000 gallon storage tank and replace the roof on the existing tank with a new free‐span aluminum roof.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Water supply
41.03501754 -124.0964994
Westport County Water District, Water Supply Reliability Project
March 2010
This project replaces an old redwood water storage tank with a new, seismically stable 100,000 gallon steel storage tank.
Built Infrastructure, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Water supply
39.64232756 -123.7806635
Yurok Tribe – Yurok Tribal Fisheries Program, Restoration of Lower Klamath River Habitats
November 2014
The project restores spawning and rearing habitat for native salmonids and increases riparian forest resiliency on two miles in two priority Lower Klamath tributaries: Terwer Creek and Hunter Creek.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Natural Capital, Water quality
41.4265851 -123.9275659
Yurok Tribe, Weitchpec Water Station
September 2017
Development of the Weitchpec Water Station will consist of a well, a small water tank and spigot for emergency access, a flush hydrant to fill fire trucks, and will replace the existing surface water system.
Built Infrastructure, Climate resiliency, Economic vitality, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Water quality, Water supply
41.19089406 -123.6974494
Yurok Tribe, Yurok Watershed Restoration and Drinking Water Security
January 2020
This pilot project will install 3-2500 gallon tanks and filter systems to provide Tribal landowners with water storage capabilities to provide adequate supplies of filtered drinking water during the driest part of the year (August-September), and eliminate summer diversions to provide increased thermal refugia benefits.
Climate resiliency, Ecosystem health and biodiversity, Fisheries, Human Capital: Collaboration & Capacity building, Natural Capital, Water supply
41.19089406 -123.6974494