
NCRP Request for Qualifications

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May 9, 2023

NCRP Request for Qualifications

The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) maintains an open Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process to identify consultants to provide an array of technical services for the North Coast Region. Consultants may be contracted to provide technical assistance for project sponsors throughout the region who apply for and receive awards through the NCRP Technical Assistance Program. In addition, consultant services may include providing content and review for North Coast planning documents, research, data development, spatial analysis and mapping, project identification, development, evaluation and enhancement, and regulatory and permitting assistance.

Consultants that have submitted recent SOQs and are currently on the List of Consultant Resources for the North Coast Region do not need to resubmit. If consultants wish to update their entry on the List and/or update their SOQ, please contact Rose Roberts,

Proposal Packet

All proposals should include a Cover Page along with Specific Proposal Requirements as described in the NCRP Consultant Request for Qualifications and an SOQ that will be included in the publicly available List of Consultant Resources.

Delivery of Proposals

Proposals should be emailed to

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