NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Grant: Proposal Development Technical Support OFFICE HOURS
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is providing support with project proponents and development of application materials for the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Project Grant solicitation in accordance with the source funding guidelines and eligibility requirements. This includes but is not limited to the following:
- Project and sponsor eligibility
- Identifying whether a project area is entirely or partially within a Disadvantaged Community (DAC), Severely Disadvantaged Community (SCAD) or Tribal Community
- Project Tracker Support
- Reviewing and developing project tasks, budget and schedule documentation
- Support for the project environmental compliance and permit acquisition plan
- Describing cost considerations, project budget and matching funds
- Support for developing a NCRP CAL FIRE Pilot Project Workbook and Budget
- Describing and quantifying project benefits
- Spatial data technical support
The team of technical assistance providers is made up of regional experts that can provide peer-to-peer proposal development support based on project need. The time allotted to each entity receiving proposal support may vary but is estimated between 2-6 hours or more based on need and availability. It is recommended that project proponents attend a technical support meeting or informational workshop to become familiar with the project application preparation and submission requirements.
Attend the weekly office hours on Zoom (no registration needed) for real-time question/answer sessions and to schedule peer-to-peer proposal development support meetings. Weekly office hours will also include Tribal only break-out sessions to meet with the Tribal Engagement support team.
Wednesdays, June 5 – July 31
12:30 pm Pacific Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 6958 7752
Passcode: 591819
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Meeting ID: 835 6958 7752
Passcode: 591819
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July 10, 2024
12:30 pm