NCRP Disadvantaged Community & Tribal Water & Wastewater Service Providers Needs Assessment Summary

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The purpose of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Groundwater Sustainability Agency
(GSA) for the Shasta Valley Medium Priority Basin 1-004 (the Basin) and the Basin’s public and private
stakeholders, gather and submit pertinent data to the GSA to utilize in preparation of a Groundwater
Sustainability Plan to satisfy the requirements set forth by the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater
Management Act .

Climate Modeling: Projections and Vulnerabilities: Climate and Natural Resources Analysis and Planning for the North Coast Resource Partnership, USGS and Pepperwood Foundation

The NCRP Small Community Toolbox provides resources and references that help small communities manage local water and wastewater infrastructure. The following link will allow you to download a zip file of the Toolbox onto your computer for your use.

The NCRP Small Community Toolbox provides resources and references that allow small communities to approach the management of local water and wastewater infrastructure in a systematic fashion. The Small Community Toolbox Summary Report was designed to be used as an interactive electronic document.