The City of Fortuna’s 12th Street Integrated Stormwater Enhancement Project addresses goals and policies identified in the City’s General Plan and Storm Drain Master Plan pertaining to the enhancment of storwater management, natural resources, safety, and aesthetics. This multi-benefit project provides a sense of welcome and arrival to the City from Highway 101 to the shops on Main Street in this economically disadvantaged community.
The NCIWFMP uses Excel workbooks as an input framework for agricultural producer inputs and is based on calculating a water and nutrient balance for a variety of crop types for enhanced management of farm resources and to maximize crop production.
The NCRP Small Community Toolbox provides resources and references that help small communities manage local water and wastewater infrastructure. The following link will allow you to download a zip file of the Toolbox onto your computer for your use.
The NCRP Small Community Toolbox provides resources and references that allow small communities to approach the management of local water and wastewater infrastructure in a systematic fashion. The Small Community Toolbox Summary Report was designed to be used as an interactive electronic document.