North Coast Regional Priority Plan



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In a region where forests cover more than 70% of the landscape, improving forest health and wildfire resiliency is integral to the NCRP’s goals. The NCRP Regional Plan charts a path forward for ecosystem and community health and resiliency in the North Coast region.





The North Coast Region is a source region providing clean water, carbon sequestration, and biological diversity benefits to California. Since 2005, the NCRP has successfully integrated federal, state, regional and local priorities and utilized a multi‐benefit approach to identify and seek funding for the highest priority projects throughout this diverse region. Learn more about the NCRP, the North Coast Region, and the RFFC program before digging into the plan.


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Background Information

The North Coast Region

The North Coast Region is one of the most diverse and unique regions in California. Learn about the natural ecosystems and social, cultural, and economic characteristics that make the North Coast Region special.

The Partnership

Since 2004, the North Coast Resource Partnership has engaged in collaborative, integrated planning and project implementation, investing over $85 million in hundreds of projects that benefit the North Coast Region’s communities and watersheds. Learn more about the NCRP’s goals, governance, and approach to regional planning.

Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program

The Regional Forest and Fire Capacity program aims to increase regional capacity to prioritize, develop, and implement projects to improve forest health and fire resilience and increase carbon sequestration in forests throughout California. Learn more about the program and its desired outcomes.

Outcomes and Solutions

The NCRP Plan consists of a set of outcomes and the solutions and strategic actions needed to achieve them.

Click here to explore Outcomes and Solutions

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Outcomes and Solutions

Outcomes and Solutions

The NCRP Plan consists of a set of outcomes and the solutions and strategic actions needed to achieve them.



Demonstration Projects

The NCRP Regional Plan charts a path forward for forest health and resiliency in the North Coast region. The Plan outlines a region wide strategy for fuel load reduction and forest health, including a list of priority forest health and fire resiliency projects, strategies, and tools.

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Demonstration Projects

The NCRP has funded 13 demonstration projects that are scalable, replicable, measurable, innovative and result in outcomes that will increase the scope and scale of multi-benefit forest management in the North Coast region. Lessons learned from these projects will be integrated into the final NCRP Regional Priority Plan.


Links to data, additional information, and other resources

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Definitions of the key terms used in the Plan


A list of the acronyms used in the Plan and their meanings


A list of the signatories to the NCRP MoMU


NCRP Quarterly Meetings and other planning and review meetings


The NCRP places a strong emphasis on sharing data with partners and the community.

To view and download shapefiles of commonly used layers, click here.

To access our entire spatial data catalog as map packages, click here (redirects to Dropbox).

To access the NCRP ArcGIS Online public group of forest and fire geospatial data, click here.

To download the latest (released Feb. 2021) fire probability rasters, fuelscape rasters, and conditional flame length rasters from Pyrologix, go here.