NCRP Leadership Council, Technical Peer Review Committee, Executive & Ad Hoc Committee Membership
Leadership, governance, policy and decision making is provided by the NCRP Leadership Council (formerly the Policy Review Panel). The Leadership Council consists of two representatives (and their alternates) appointed by each County’s Board of Supervisors and three Tribal Representatives (and their alternates) appointed by North Coast Tribes. Scientific and technical review is provided by the Technical Peer Review Committee (TPRC) which is comprised of two technical experts (and their alternates) appointed by each County’s Board of Supervisors and Three Tribal representatives (and their alternates) appointed by North Coast Tribes.
All NCRP Leadership Council and their member agencies are required to be signatories to the Memorandum of Mutual Understandings (MoMU).
Tribal Northern District
Co-Chair: Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribe
Alternate: Cyndie Childress, Nor Rel Muk Wintu Nation
Tribal Central District
Co-Vice-Chair: Councilmember Michelle Downey, Tribal Council, Round Valley Indian Tribe
Alternate: Joseph Parker, Round Valley Indian Tribe
Tribal Southern District
Alternate: vacancy
Del Norte County
Supervisor Chris Howard
Supervisor Dean Wilson
Alternate: vacancy
Humboldt County
Co-Vice-Chair: Supervisor Steve Madrone
Supervisor Rex Bohn
Alternate: Supervisor Natalie Arroyo
Mendocino County
Supervisor John Haschak
Supervisor Madeline Cline
Alternate: Supervisor Maureen Mulheren
Modoc County
Supervisor Geri Byrne
Alternate: vacancy
Siskiyou County
Executive Committee: Supervisor Nancy Ogren
Supervisor Ray Haupt
Alternate: vacancy
Sonoma County
Co-Chair: Supervisor James Gore
Supervisor Lynda Hopkins
Alternate: Che Casul, Director of Community Initiatives
Alternate: Grant Davis, Sonoma Water
Trinity County
Supervisor Liam Gogen
Supervisor Heidi Carpenter Harris
Alternate: Supervisor Ric Leutwyler
Tribal Northern District
Toz Soto, Senior Fisheries Biologist, Karuk Tribe
Tribal Central District
Monica Nieto, Environmental Director, Guidiville Indian Rancheria
Alternate: Patricia Rabano, Tribal Historic Preservation Office Manager, Round Valley Indian Tribes
Tribal Southern District
TPRC Member: vacancy
Del Norte County
Jonathan Olson, County Engineer
Andrew Leighton, Crescent City Engineering Project Manager
Humboldt County
Hank Seemann, Deputy Director, Environmental Services, Public Works Department
Pat Kaspari, General Manager, McKinleyville Community Services District
Mendocino County
Joe Scriven, Interim Executive Director/Fisheries Biologist, Mendocino Resource Conservation District
Elizabeth Salomone, General Manager, Russian River Flood Control & Water Conservation Improvement District
Modoc County
Sean Curtis, Modoc County Natural Resources
TPRC Member: vacancy
Siskiyou County
Rick Dean, Siskiyou County Director of Community Development
TPRC Member: vacancy
Sonoma County
Co-Chair: Dale Roberts, Engineer, Sonoma County Water Agency
Wayne Haydon, Certified Engineering Geologist
Trinity County
Co-Chair: Sandra Perez, 5C Program Manager
Mark Lancaster, Director, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program
Co-Chair: Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribe, Northern Region
Co-Chair: Supervisor James Gore, Sonoma County
Co-Vice-Chair: Councilmember Michelle Downey, Tribal Council, Round Valley Indian Tribes
Co-Vice-Chair: Supervisor Steve Madrone, Humboldt County
Supervisor Nancy Ogren, Siskiyou County
Co-Chair: Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribe, Northern Region
Co-Vice-Chair: Supervisor Steve Madrone, Humboldt County
Executive Committee: Councilmember Michelle Downey, Tribal Council, Round Valley Indian Tribes
Executive Committee: Supervisor Nancy Ogren, Siskiyou County
Supervisor Rex Bohn, Humboldt County
TPRC Co-Chair: Dale Roberts, Engineer, Sonoma County Water Agency, Sonoma County
Toz Soto, Senior Fisheries Biologist, Karuk Tribe, Northern Region
Wayne Haydon, Certified Engineering Geologist, Sonoma County
Mark Lancaster, Director, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program, Trinity County
Executive Committee: Councilmember Michelle Downey, Round Valley Indian Tribe, Central District
Supervisor Heidi Carpenter-Harris, Trinity County
Supervisor Liam Gogan, Trinity County
NCRP Tribal Leadership Council and TPRC representatives