NCRP Leadership Council Motions and Direction

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NCRP Leadership Council Motions and Direction

Motion Made by Seconded Vote Date
Each participating North Coast County Board of Supervisors appoint two Supervisors, or their designees, to the North Coast IRWMP Policy Review Panel. Jake Mackenzie Not Recorded Unanimous 3.3.05
The North Coast IRWMP Policy Review Panel be consistent in its movement toward adoption of an IRWM Plan for the North Coast Region and move to develop an implementation proposal that recognizes hydrological sub-regions nested within the North Coast hydrologic region. Jake Mackenzie Not Recorded Unanimous 3.3.05
Jimmy Smith was nominated to continue serving as Chair of the Policy Review Panel. Not Recorded Not Recorded Unanimous 3.3.05
Jake Mackenzie was nominated to continue serving as the Vice Chair of the Policy Review Panel. Not Recorded Not Recorded Unanimous 3.3.05
Adopt three themes for the region: a) salmonid recovery, b) beneficial uses, c) regional autonomy Hal Wagenet Jill Geist and Mike Maxwell Unanimous 4.28.05
TPRC will review projects, meet to define a process, and come back for guidance from the Policy Review Panel. A Policy Review Panel meeting will be set at the end of the TPRC review process. Mike Maxwell Mark Lancaster Unanimous 4.28.05
Authorized Humboldt County to take the lead as the planning grant applicant on behalf of the North Coast Region. Tom Stokely Michael Delbar Unanimous 4.28.05
Accept the top twenty projects listed in the TPRC submittal, with the ability of the PRP to re-prioritize and add $3million to bring the total to the $50million target. Jake Mackenzie David Bradshaw Unanimous 6.8.05
Fund Siskiyou projects as recommended by the TPRC, representing a total of $6,882,768, pending determination by DWR and SWRCB if the Scott Water Trust project is eligible for funding under this grant program. Tom Stokely Hal Wagenet Unanimous 6.8.05
Fund: Project 55 – Crescent City, Del Norte at $1,392,435, Project 153 – Water Supply Reliability, Mendocino at $553,500 and the balance $839,435 be allocated to fund Project 89 – Covelo. Sarah Sampels Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 6.8.05
Approve minor plan modifications, including recalculation of the Disadvantaged Communities data, the incorporation of language about county resolutions of adoption, and minor typographic and aesthetic changes to the Phase I NCIRWM Plan. Jake Mackenzie Hal Wagenet Unanimous 4.13.06
Adopt the memo to project proponents regarding the application process for the Step 2 NCIRWMP (attached to meeting summary). Jake Mackenzie Randy Poole Unanimous 4.13.06
Should not consider the following two scenarios (when developing the NCIRWMP’s Step 2 application: a) 50% across the board cut, b) 50% reduction in project load. Jake Mackenzie Not Recorded Unanimous 4.13.06
Accept the Consensus Recommendations (listed below) for Step 2: A. Inclusiveness - Ensure geographic representation in the region, including all seven counties. Where possible (and consistent with B, below) retain all Step1high priority projects in the Step 2 regional application, and assist project proponents with readiness. B. Preparedness/Competitiveness Components 1) Eligibility 2) Step 2 criteria, including readiness, schedule, economic analysis, technical analysis, other expected benefits, cost/benefit, per step 2 PSP 3) Responsiveness to state priorities: esp water conflicts/water rights TMDLs, 303(d), etc. 4) voluntary budget reductions that retain project viability 5) Responsiveness of project proponents 6) Cease and desistC. Processa) Project Team compiles all information and puts forward a draft regional application approach that is consistent with the above components b) At its May 11 meeting, TPRC reviews the Project Team’s draft application approach (including projects) for its adherence to the above listed components and makes recommended revisions to the project slate and draft application. Develop a contingency funding list. c) At its May 15 meeting, PRP reviews the project slate; approves a final slate, reviews draft application approach, provides direction. Jake Mackenzie David Bradshaw Unanimous 4.13.06
Authorized the Chair and Vice Chair to re-allocate funds to bring the slate up to the authorized $25 million, if certain projects are not able to move forward due to lack of responsiveness/technical merit, or are funded from other sources. Mark Lancaster Mike Maxwell Unanimous 5.15.06
Submit the $25 million slate of projects decided upon by the PRP for the NCIRWMP Step 2 application to the State. Bill Hoy Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 5.15.06
Projects that were dropped or received significant budget reductions in this round will receive priority consideration for discussion by the PRP in the next round of funding, pending potential revisions to the State’s criteria. Bill Hoy Hal Wagenet Unanimous 5.15.06
Approve thank you letters to the Technical Peer Review Committee. Barry Shioshita David Bradshaw Unanimous 1.26.07
Re-appoint Chair Smith and Vice Chair Mackenzie to their current roles. Michael Delbar Barry Shioshita Unanimous 1.26.07
Send a letter to DWR and SWRCB on behalf of the NCIRWMP effort to request that remaining Prop 50 funds be apportioned to proposals that were ranked above the line during round one (Step 2), in proportion to the order in which they were ranked. Jake Mackenzie Mark Lancaster Unanimous 1.26.07
Form the sub-committee to review and make recommendations regarding potential funding allocation strategies for re-allocation of Step 2 funds for PRP consideration. Jake Mackenzie David Bradshaw Unanimous 1.26.07
Pursue State and National awards programs for the NCIRWMP effort. Michael Delbar Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 1.26.07
Re-allocate funds back to the county from which the project originated. Michael Delbar Jimmy Smith 6 ayes, 4 noes, 1 abstain 3.22.07
Staff should work with ICWMP’s in the region to evaluate an application for funding through the NCIRWMP framework and bring a draft proposed process and application to the TPRC and PRP for review. Jake Mackenzie Tom Stokely Unanimous 5.17.07
In the case of an absence of a PRP member, the PRP member may provide a proxy to a representative of the same county. The representative will not be required to provide written proof indicating their proxy. Paul Kelley   Jill Geist   Unanimous 4.23.08
Authorize the PRP Chair and Vice Chair to decide if they wish to send a letter to the SWRCB requesting that the NCIRWMP Prop 50 implementation contract be extended until 2012. Paul Kelley Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 4.23.08
Recognize PRP and TPRC alumni with a letters acknowledging and appreciating their service. Jill Duffy Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 1.9.09
Add an agenda item regarding energy independence federal funding opportunities [this request was placed under the Prop 84 update]. Add a discussion on the addition of Siskiyou’s water and wastewater infrastructure needs into the NCIRWMP [this request was included under the Funding Strategies item]. Randy Poole Not Recorded Unanimous 1.9.09
Directed staff to send a letter of support for the proposed regional acceptance process guidelines. Jill Duffy Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 1.9.09
Adopt Option 1 under Expedited Round (planning/technical assistance for infrastructure for disadvantaged communities); Option 1 under Planning Grant (apply for general planning funds); implementation funding as soon as it becomes available; and include the exploration of concepts related to climate, water and energy within the NCIRWMP. Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith Unanimous 1.9.09
Outline a decision-making approach for review by the PRP (via email). Marcia Armstrong Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 1.9.09
Allow the Chair and Vice Chair and staff to react as promptly as possible in conducting business in support of the NCIRWMP. Jill Duffy Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 1.9.09
Submit a letter of intent to develop a Regional Sediment Master Plan subject to review and unanimous support of the PRP. Staff will request a timeline extension and also route to the TPRC for review. Mark Lancaster Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 1.9.09
Develop a website template for ongoing project identification and upload. Jill Duffy Jake Mackenzie Unanimous 1.9.09
Draft a letter of support for the low threat discharge amendment. Jake Mackenzie Carre Brown 6 ayes, 2 noes; Jake Mackenzie asked for the motion to be tabled while individual counties place this in front of their respective Boards for consideration. Unanimous. 1.9.09
Develop a draft proposal approach for technical assistance and capacity building to economically disadvantaged communities for small water/wastewater projects in the North Coast for review by the PRP and for potential submittal to DWR for Prop 84 regional funding. Jake Mackenzie Carre Brown Unanimous 6.25.09
Authorize staff to pursue State and Federal energy independence funding opportunities using our NCIRWMP process. Jake Mackenzie Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 6.25.09
Authorized staff to submit a comment letter (re: CEC’s funding program) subject to PRP email review and approval. Jake Mackenzie Wendy Reiss Unanimous 6.25.09
Authorized staff to send out an energy independence white paper for PRP review and finalize for adoption via email. [PRP agrees that the letter and white paper approval includes the setting up of meetings with funding agencies.] Jake Mackenzie Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 6.25.09
Authorize staff to develop a process to scope out projects in alignment with our energy independence white paper and work with the Sonoma County Water Agency to conduct project assessments, analysis, and evaluate overall costs/benefits to determine the viability of a potential funding proposal for the North Coast Region. Jake Mackenzie Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 6.25.09
Approve decision-making principles outlined by staff. [Timing: Legislative, funding or other decisions that need to be made within 48 hours may be made by Jimmy, Jake and/or staff – otherwise staff will send an email outlining the issue for the entire PRP to consider. Content: The content of the decision must be neutral/non-controversial and not conflict with any previous PRP decisions, direction, policies, goals and objectives. Reporting: All decisions made by Jimmy, Jake and staff on behalf of the PRP will be reported to the PRP within 24 hours.  Wendy Reiss  Carre Brown  Unanimous  6.25.09
Directed staff to develop draft agendas/budgets for a series of technical workshops throughout the region tailored to each geographic region and including information about the North Coast Energy Independence Program (Spring); and consider, to be followed by a 2-day policy workshop in the fall. Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith Unanimous 2.11.10
Revised agenda as follows: the 1:30 pm item (Biomass) was moved to 11:00 am and the 11:00 am item (Regional Administrator Update) was moved to 1:30 pm. Paul Kelley Jill Duffy Unanimous 6.24.10
Amend the NCIRWMP governance structure and related documents to include 2 Tribal representatives on the PRP and 2 Tribal representatives on the TPRC, with appointees selected by North Coast Tribes. Supervisor Kelley proposed an amendment to the motion to include 3 Tribal representatives on the PRP and 3 representatives on the TPRC, with appointees selected by North Coast Tribes and with the suggestion that the Tribes consider appointing representatives based on geographic coverage (e.g. North/Central/South). Jake Mackenzie Jill Duffy Mackenzie and Duffy approved the amendment to the motion. 6 ayes, 2 noes 6.24.10
Seek planning funds to assist with outreach, project development and the inclusion of Tribal issues within the NCIRWMP and the NCIRWMP’s Prop 84 planning grant application to DWR. Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith 6 ayes, 2 noes 6.24.10
Pursue additional Prop 84 funding that meets the objectives of the NCIRWMP and report back to the PRP with options. Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith Unanimous 6.24.10
Move forward with alternative two – the formation of a separate energy independence & climate advisory group that will advise the TPRC, PRP and staff as needed. Jake Mackenzie John McCowen Unanimous 6.24.10
Adopt transmission of the Memorandum of Mutual Understandings to the various Boards of Supervisors (in the North Coast Region). Jake Mackenzie Judy Morris Unanimous 11.10.10
Approve the recommended project slate and submit to DWR as an application. Further evaluate the Tule Lake project and determine if there are options for including it in the application if funding becomes available. Amended as follows: prior to contract being signed, each project proponent must have signed the MOMU. Bundle Hopland projects. Paul Kelley Jake Mackenzie  All amendments approved by Kelley and Mackenzie. Unanimous 11.10.10
Nominated Jake Mackenzie as Chair and Jimmy Smith as Vice Chair effective January 1. Paul Kelley John McCowen Unanimous 11.10.10
Authorize the Chair/Vice Chair to take any necessary actions to carry out the policy direction of the PRP. John McCowen Paul Kelley Unanimous 11.10.10
Policy Review Panel to form an Executive Committee comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair and Supervisor Judy Morris to make time-sensitive decisions and take action related to funding, legislative input and other IRWM program requirements that are consistent with past PRP direction and in the best interests of the North Coast Region. Such decisions would be relayed to the full PRP after completion. Email header to PRP will indicate time sensitive nature of correspondence. John McCowen Kendall Smith Unanimous 7.21.11
Adopt meeting schedule and staff recommendation with the inclusion of teleconferencing options. [Staff recommends that regular NCIRWMP PRP/TPRC standing meetings be established on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, October), and that these meetings alternate between Humboldt, Mendocino, Trinity and Siskiyou counties. When there are not adequate agenda items to justify holding one of the standing meetings, the meeting may be cancelled by decision of the Chair and Vice Chair. When issues arise that must be addressed prior to a standing meeting, the Chair and Vice Chair may authorize staff to determine a meeting and date that allows for attendance by the majority of the PRP and/or the TPRC.  Jimmy Smith  Kendall Smith  Unanimous  7.21.11
Adopt staff recommendations to develop a Strategic Growth Council, Sustainable Communities Planning Grant application. John McCowen Judy Morris Unanimous 7.21.11
Adopt staff recommendation to form an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of staff and PRP/TPRC members who will evaluate the existing approach to project evaluation and ranking and develop a draft approach for consideration at the next PRP meeting. Poll for Ad Hoc Committee by July 31. John McCowen Jimmy Smith Unanimous 7.21.11
Adopt staff recommendation related to climate-energy committee. [Consult on an as-needed basis with experts from throughout and beyond the region on issues related to energy independence and climate change, instead of forming a new committee. Staff proposes that the consideration of the committee be re-evaluated in the future as needed.] Kendall Smith Efren Carrillo Unanimous 7.21.11
Approved general consensus on the NCIRWMP Project Application, Review and Selection Process: General Process description and approach with Supervisor’s McCowen’s suggestions. [to add: “TPRC members shall review all projects they are assigned unless they recuse themselves because of potential conflict of interest”.] John McCowen Judy Morris Unanimous 1.19.12
Approved general consensus to move forward with the NCIRWMP Project Application, Review and Selection Process: Conflict of Interest Policy after Humboldt and Mendocino County Counsels review the proposed policy. Jimmy Smith John McCowen Unanimous 1.19.12
Approved general consensus to adopt the NCIRWMP Project Application, Review and Selection Process: On-going Project Inclusion Process with Supervisor’s McCowen’s suggested edits. [to provide a more active voice.] Gerry Hemmingsen Judy Morris Unanimous 1.19.12
Approved general consensus to approve recommendations for the NCIRWMP Project Application, Review and Selection Process: Project Budget Under-Runs and Funding Reallocation Process. Kendall Smith Judy Morris Unanimous 1.19.12
Approve resolution honoring Jimmy Smith. Jake Mackenzie Judy Morris Unanimous 7.19.12
Approve the PRP Directed Guidelines for Project Scoring and Selection. Judy Morris Marcia Armstrong Unanimous 7.19.12
Approve the Public Input Guidelines, with suggested revisions. [Materials delivered to staff from the public as a part of public comment be published on the NCIRWMP website. Review by Humboldt County Counsel for Brown Act adherence. Consider re-wording the process to make it more understandable to project proponents.] John McCowen Grace Bennett Unanimous 7.19.12
Approve the Draft NCIRWMP Proposition 84, Project Implementation Round 2 application process. Jake Mackenzie Judy Morris Unanimous 7.19.12
Explore new options for name, logo, branding and bring alternatives and recommendations to the PRP for discussion at their meeting in October. Judy Morris Efren Carrillo Unanimous 7.19.12
Support staff recommendation for Chair, Vice-chair and Executive Committee Election Process. Efren Carrillo Kendall Smith Unanimous 10.18.12
Nominate Supervisor Judy Morris as Vice Chair. Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith Unanimous 10.18.12
Nominate Supervisor Marcia Armstrong. John McCowen Grace Bennett Unanimous 10.18.12
Recommend Sandra Perez and Wayne Haydon as Co-Chairs of the TPRC, as nominated by Mark Lancaster Jake Mackenzie Mark Lovelace Unanimous 10.18.12
Form an ad hoc committee comprised of Tribal PRP and TPRC members, and potentially other PRP and TPRC members up to Brown Act membership limits; extend the Tribal RFP deadline by 3 weeks; integrate tribal priorities outlined in PRP and TPRC Tribal proposal to the degree that it is consistent with the DWR contract.  Judy Morris  Kendall Smith 9 ayes, 3 noes; Chair Mackenzie requested additional members for tribal Ad Hoc Committee. Supervisor Sundberg volunteered, and was approved as the final member of the ad hoc committee.  10.18.12
New name for NCIRWMP is NORTH COAST RESOURCE PARTNERSHIP (NCRP). Kendall Smith John McCowen Unanimous 10.18.12
NCRP Conference to be held on October 2, 3, 4, 2012 (Technical Sessions on 2nd). Jake Mackenzie Kendall Smith Unanimous 10.18.12
PRP will not support the addition of population as a criterion in the NCIRWMP Project Application, Review and Selection Process as suggested by Russian River Watershed Association. Kendall Smith John McCowen Unanimous 10.18.12
Accept staff recommendation on Project Application, Review and Selection Process, revised to include Supervisor Armstrong’s recommended additions, and revisit potential economic units for further discussion at a future meeting. Judy Morris Mark Lovelace Unanimous 10.18.12
To authorize a letter to respond to concerns provided to the team from Kara Heckert and to state the intention to debrief with the TPRC and to continually improve the project review process. Supervisor Morris Supervisor Lovelace Unanimous 01.17.13
To accept/approve the TPRC recommended NCIRWMP Proposition 84, Round 2 Implementation Priority Project portfolio. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Bennett Unanimous (Recusals: Dale Roberts and Javier Silva) 01.17.13
Approve Proposed Process & Criteria for Sub‐Contracts to Counties and Tribes. Supervisor Morris Supervisor Hemmingsen Nays –Armstrong and Bennett Ayes ‐ Chair Mackenzie, Vice‐ Chair Morris, Hemmingsen, Sundberg, Lovelace, McCowen, Gjerde, Dale Roberts (alternate), Leaf Hillman, Javier Silva (alternate) 01.17.13
Formation of ad‐hoc committees: Prop 84 Planning Grant & Strategic Growth Council Planning Grant. Supervisor Morris Supervisor Armstrong Unanimous 01.17.13
To accept staff recommendation for NCIRWM Plan, Version 3 review and input process. Chairman Mackenzie Unanimous 01.17.13
To accept the Planning Ad Hoc Committee recommendation for Representing Diverse Views/Local Autonomy. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Armstrong  Unanimous  07.18.13
Direct staff to compile comments regarding the NCIRWMP Goals and Objectives and provide to PRP and TPRC for additional comments and input. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.18.13
To approve the TPRC and Project Review Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation for process for providing technical assistance: NCIRWMP DAC Water & Wastewater Service Provider Support Program. Leaf Hillman Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 07.18.13
If there was a need for a NCRP quarterly meeting in October, that the meeting be held at the NCRP Conference location in Fortuna in the afternoon on October 2. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.18.13
To approve agenda with change to an error on Page 8 of the meeting materials (change Item # V to Item # XI). Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Lovelace Unanimous 04.17.14
To approve staff recommendation (see below) with the addition of the following language “and when the North Coast Executive Committee determines that it is necessary”. New practice/policy: when time is not a constraint, NCRP staff will agendize plans, processes, and project applications at a PRP/TPRC meeting for formal approval prior to finalization. When this is not feasible due to the challenges outlined under “issues”, above, NCRP staff will agendize the item for the next following PRP/TPRC meeting. The finalized plan, process or project application will be discussed and any suggestions for future revisions incorporated. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Carrillo Opposed – Supervisor Armstrong, Supervisor Bennett Approved – Jake Mackenzie, Javier Silva, Supervisor Hemmingsen, Supervisor Sundberg, Supervisor Lovelace, Supervisor McCowen, Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Byrne, and Supervisor Carrillo 04.17.14
1) Disband 2013 Project Review Ad Hoc Committee. 2) Form Project Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee to advise staff, TPRC, and make recommendations to PRP on project evaluation and selection criteria. Disband upon completion of this task. 3) Convene a 2014 SGC Planning Ad Hoc Committee to review draft approach and content for SGC grant, provide input into SGC planning sub-grant criteria to counties and tribes, make recommendation to PRP on funding awards for planning sub-grants – disband upon completion of this task. 4) Convene a 2014 NCIRWM Planning Ad Hoc Committee to review draft NCIRWM Plan sections and make recommendations to staff, TPRC and PRP. Disband when task is complete. Supervisor Armstrong Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 04.17.14
Formation of ad‐hoc committees: Prop 84 Planning Grant & Strategic Growth Council Planning Grant. Supervisor Morris Supervisor Armstrong Unanimous 01.17.13
To accept staff recommendation for NCIRWM Plan, Version 3 review and input process. Chairman Mackenzie Unanimous 01.17.13
To accept the Planning Ad Hoc Committee recommendation for Representing Diverse Views/Local Autonomy. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Armstrong Unanimous 07.18.13
Direct staff to compile comments regarding the NCIRWMP Goals and Objectives and provide to PRP and TPRC for additional comments and input. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.18.13
To approve the TPRC and Project Review Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation for process for providing technical assistance: NCIRWMP DAC Water & Wastewater Service Provider Support Program. Leaf Hillman Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 07.18.13
If there was a need for a NCRP quarterly meeting in October, that the meeting be held at the NCRP Conference location in Fortuna in the afternoon on October 2. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.18.13
To approve agenda with change to an error on Page 8 of the meeting materials (change Item # V to Item # XI). Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Lovelace Unanimous 04.17.14
To approve staff recommendation (see below) with the addition of the following language“and when the North Coast Executive Committee determines that it is necessary”. New practice/policy: when time is not a constraint, NCRP staff will agendize plans, processes, and project applications at a PRP/TPRC meeting for formal approval prior to finalization. When this is not feasible due to the challenges outlined under “issues”, above, NCRP staff will agendize the item for the next following PRP/TPRC meeting. The finalized plan, process or project application will be discussed and any suggestions for future revisions incorporated. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Carrillo Opposed – Supervisor Armstrong, Supervisor Bennett Approved – Jake Mackenzie, Javier Silva, Supervisor Hemmingsen, Supervisor Sundberg, Supervisor Lovelace, Supervisor McCowen, Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Byrne, and Supervisor Carrillo 04.17.14
1) Disband 2013 Project Review Ad Hoc Committee. 2) Form Project Evaluation Ad Hoc Committee to advise staff, TPRC, and make recommendations to PRP on project evaluation and selection criteria. Disband upon completion of this task. 3) Convene a 2014 SGC Planning Ad Hoc Committee to review draft approach and content for SGC grant, provide input into SGC planning sub-grant criteria to counties and tribes, make recommendation to PRP on funding awards for planning sub-grants – disband upon completion of this task. 4) Convene a 2014 NCIRWM Planning Ad Hoc Committee to review draft NCIRWM Plan sections and make recommendations to staff, TPRC and PRP. Disband when task is complete. 5) At a future PRP meeting, evaluate whether the PRP would like to establish a standing planning committee to advise and make recommendations on all planning efforts for the NCRP.  Supervisor Armstrong  Supervisor McCowen  Unanimous  04.17.14
Directing staff to develop suggestions to provide to the legislature on payment processes and enhancements to the process and in conjunction with the Executive Committee, develop a letter for submittal to legislation and assembly regarding streamlined process for payment.  Supervisor Armstrong   Supervisor Gjerde   Unanimous   04.17.14
The PRP directs staff to move forward with a NCRP 2014 Drought Solicitation with a funding cap of $8.7 million. The draft 2014 NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines and NCRP 2014 Drought Solicitation Project Application was approved with the provision that refinements would be made with input from the Ad Hoc Committee and TPRC. In addition, the PRP approved that the NCRP 2014 Drought Solicitation grant would be considered phase one of two funding phases to ensure regional representation in project selection for the remaining Proposition 84 Implementation funding. During the final 2015 Proposition 84 Implementation Funding round, project selection will take into account the location of the NCRP 2014 Drought Projects, if funded. Supervisor Morris Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 04.17.14
To finalize the NCRP/NCIRWM Plan Goals and Objectives per the meeting materials. Supervisor Morris Supervisor Carrillo Unanimous 04.17.14
Approve NCRP 06/13/14 agenda. Supervisor Sundberg Supervisor Lovelace Unanimous 06.13.14
To approve the Prop 84 Drought slate as recommended by the TPRC and secondly consider augmenting individual applications up to the $8.7 M limit. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor Morris Supervisor Lovelace withdrew motion. Supervisor Morris rescinded motion. 06.13.14
To approve the Prop 84 Drought slate as recommended by the TPRC.  Supervisor Armstrong  Supervisor Bennett Approved: Chair, Mackenzie, Supervisor Morris, Carol Cook, Supervisor Armstrong, Supervisor BennettOpposed: Supervisor Hemmingsen, Supervisor Finigan, Supervisor Sundberg, Supervisor Lovelace, Supervisor McCowen, Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Carrillo, Mark LancasterMotion fails. 06.13.14
To fund the following projects and funding amounts: 1) Yurok Tribe, Weitchpec Water Station: $201,770, as recommended. 2) City of Rio Dell, Rio Dell and Scotia CSD Emergency Water Intertie: $783,000, as recommended. 3) Lewiston Park Mutual Water Company, Meter Installation: $224,604, as recommended. 4) Sanctuary Forest Inc., Mattole Flow Program: $255,200, as recommended. 5) Gualala River Watershed Council, the Flow Bank Program: $594,226, as recommended. 6) Westhaven Community Services, Water Loss Reduction Project: $493,500, adding $118,000. 7) Sonoma County Water Agency, Sonoma-Mendocino Immediate Drought Relief: $1,050,000, adding $300,000. 8) City of Crescent City, Elevated Water Tank Rehabilitation: $438,000 [100% requested], adding $438,000. 9) Mendocino County Resource Conservation District, Implementing On-Farm Water Conservation Strategies in the Navarro Watershed: 0%, deducting $144,171. 10) City of Ukiah, Ukiah Valley-Redwood Valley Water Supply Reliability Intertie and Well Development Project: $1,554,450 ($836,000 – 100% — for interties), deducting $1,156,800 from wells. 11) California Land Stewardship Institute, Agricultural Water Conservation and Water Supply Reliability Program: $1,970,251, adding $1,970,251. 12) City of Fort Bragg, Summers Lane Reservoir Project: $700,000, adding $700,000.  Supervisor McCowen  Supervisor Gjerde Public Comment on the motion: Tim Ericson, City of Ukiah recommends the motion. Decision by roll call: Approved: Chair Mackenzie, Supervisor Morris, Supervisor Hemmingsen, Supervisor Finigan, Supervisor Sundberg, Supervisor Lovelace, Supervisor McCowen, Supervisor Gjerde, Supervisor Carrillo Opposed: Carol Cook, Supervisor Armstrong, Supervisor Bennett, Mark Lancaster Decision Approved. 06.13.14
Jake Mackenzie and Supervisor Morris are re-nominated and approved as Chair and Vice Chair. Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 10.16.14
To nominate and approve Supervisor Bennett as the third member of the Executive Committee. Chair Mackenzie Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 10.16.14
To nominate and approve Wayne Haydon and Sandra Perez continue as TPRC Co-Chairs. Chair Mackenzie Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 10.16.14
Review and Approve Agenda: suggests moving Items IX & X before Item VIII & suggests adjourning the meeting at 2:00 pm to allow PRP and TPRC members to attend the Water Board Coalition conference call meeting. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Sundberg  Unanimous  01.15.15
To accept new language that defines the Executive Committee election process:The NCRP Executive Committee is a Standing Committee, subject to the Brown Act. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Policy Review Panel Chair, Vice-Chair, a third member, nominated and approved by the Policy Review Panel and a fourth  member nominated by the Tribal representatives and approved by the Policy Review Panel. The Policy Review Panel reconsiders the third  and fourth members’ appointment every two years or on an as-needed basis. The Executive Committee provides day‐to‐day leadership for the NCRP, including signing letters of support, represents the NCRP with legislators and key agency partners and makes time‐sensitive decisions on behalf of the NCRP. Any time sensitive decisions made by the Executive Committee reflect previous Policy Review Panel direction and are consistent with Policy Review Panel approved goals and objectives. Decisions are made by unanimous or majority vote. When majority vote cannot be reached, the decision is brought before the full Policy Review Panel for consideration. Executive Committee decisions are reported via email or provided as an update to the full Policy Review Panel at their next quarterly NCRP meeting. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Carrillo Unanimous 01.15.15
Tribal representatives nominated Leaf Hillman of the Karuk Tribe for the Tribal Executive Committee position. Leaf Hillman accepted the nomination. Motion to approve nomination. Supervisor Lovelace Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 01.15.15
To authorize the Executive Committee to take necessary actions to provide input on behalf of the NCRP as implementing legislation is developed and to direct staff to set up meetings in Sacramento with key legislators and agency staff to deliver these common messages and promote NCRP goals and objectives. Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 01.15.15
To adopt the TPRC recommendation with minor edits as provided to the TPRC Co-chairs and as needed.TPRC Recommendation: approval of the 2015 NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines, NCRP 2015 Project Proposal Scoring Criteria and the NCRP 2015 Project Application materials to allow for the commencement of the NCRP 2015 Project Solicitation and development of a regional NCRP 2015 Grant Application which is expected to be due to DWR in early August. The recommendation includes approval to allow minor changes made by staff with input from the TPRC Co-chairs to the NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines and NCRP 2015 Project Application materials, if necessary, to comply with the final DWR IRWM 2015 Guidelines and 2015 Project Solicitation PSP expected to be released in May.   Supervisor McCowen   Supervisor Morris   Unanimous   04.16.15
To adopt the TPRC recommendation giving preference to projects that effectively address long-term drought preparedness by providing a weighting factor of 2 to the Drought Preparedness scoring criteria, allowing up to 10 out of 75 points to drought preparedness projects. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Morris Unanimous 04.16.15
To reconfirm the direction to the TPRC to take into account the location of the NCRP 2014 Drought Projects when developing their project portfolio recommendation for the NCRP 2015 Project funding round. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Hemmingsen  Unanimous  04.16.15
To nominate Supervisor Morris as PRP Chair Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 04.16.15
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Gore Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.02.15
To adopt the Executive Committee recommendation of Efren Carrillo for nomination. No other nominations came from the floor. Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 07.02.15
To accept the TPRC recommendation for the 2015 NCRP Priority Projects Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 07.02.15
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor Lovelace Unanimous 10.15.15
To approve the NCRP Handbook with the inclusion of the suggested improvements and edits discussed by the PRP and listed in the meeting summary. Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 10.15.15
To develop a Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee to direct staff in development of NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Disadvantaged Community outreach and involvement program per the IRWM Guidelines. Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 10.15.15
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 1.21.16
To approve the NCRP Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee recommendations:NCRP Comments to draft Proposition 1 IRWM Grant Documents Recommendation. Direct staff to work with the Prop 1 Ad Hoc Committee and Executive Committee to develop comments and input to the draft Proposition 1 IRWM Program Guidelines, Grant Proposal Solicitation Packages, and Request for Proposals.NCRP DAC Outreach & Involvement Program Recommendation. Direct staff to work with the Prop 1 Ad Hoc Committee to develop a NCRP DAC Outreach & Involvement Program proposal based on the Request for Proposal and in keeping with the NCRP Goals/Objectives and building on past initiatives. Potential activities and outcomes.NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Planning Grant Recommendation. Direct staff to develop a planning grant for review and input by the Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee to ensure that the North Coast IRWM Plan (adopted in 2014) is compliant with the Proposition 1 IRWM Program Guidelines, if necessary. Supervisor Carrillo Supervisor Bennett Unanimous 1.21.16
To approve NCRP Chair Morris’ recommendation to switch the July and October meeting locations due to heat and potential for catastrophic fire concerns in July. Supervisor Gjerde Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 1.21.16
To approve NCRP Chair Morris’ recommendation to change the days of the meeting from the third Thursday to the third Friday of the quarterly month. Brandi Brown Supervisor Fisher Unanimous 1.21.16
To approve language for the NCRP Goals and Objectives:Objective 3 – Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge in collaboration with Tribes to incorporate these practices into North Coast Projects and Plans  Brandi Brown  Supervisor McCowen Aye Votes: Supervisor Morris, Supervisor Carrillo, Supervisor Howard, Supervisor Lovelace, Supervisor McCowen, Supervisor Gjerde, Brandi Brown, Martina Morgan and Supervisor Karl Fisher.Abstain: Siskiyou CountySupervisor Bennett  1.21.16
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Carrillo Unanimous 10.21.16
To adopt NCRP Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee recommendations: Proposition 1 IRWM DAC Involvement Funding Amount; Program Service Provider RFP Selection Criteria; Finalize NCRP Outreach & Involvement Program Proposal; PRP Support Letter for the NCRP Outreach & Involvement Proposal.   Supervisor McCowen   Grant Davis   Unanimous   10.21.16
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Gore Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the NCRP PRP Chair: Supervisor Morris Supervisor Brown Supervisor Sundberg Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the NCRP Vice PRP Chair: Leaf Hillman Supervisor Morris Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the Executive Committee member: Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore Supervisor Brown Supervisor Sundberg Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the Executive Committee member: Brandi Brown, Redwood Valley Little River Band of Pomo Martina Morgan Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the NCRP TPRC Co-Chair: Sandra Perez, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program, Trinity County Supervisor Morris Supervisor Brown Unanimous 4.20.17
Nomination Motion to elect the NCRP TPRC Co-Chair: Dale Roberts, Sonoma County Water Agency Supervisor Morris Supervisor Brown Unanimous 4.20.17
Motion to accept the NCRP Ad Hoc Committee Review and Membership Recommendation:1)    PRP review membership of existing ad hoc committees and disband or augment membership as needed.2)    To disband the Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee and develop an ad hoc committee to oversee the NCRP Disadvantaged Community and Tribal Involvement Program and to develop a Tribal representative sub-committee to oversee the Tribal Coordinator elements of this program.  Supervisor Gore  Supervisor Brown  Unanimous  4.20.17
Motion to form a NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 1 Implementation Funding Solicitation Ad Hoc Committee comprised of PRP & TPRC member volunteers and staff to develop the NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 1 Implementation process, guidelines and solicitation materials for review and consideration by the PRP during the NCRP April meeting. Supervisor Brown Supervisor Sundberg Unanimous 1.19.18
Motion to approve the NCRP Disadvantaged Community Technical Assistance Selection Process with the provision that minor edits to the process may be allowed with oversight from the NCRP Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee and Tribal Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee. Brandi Brown Edwin Smith Unanimous 1.19.18
Motion to approve that the NCRP join the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation as a member organization Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Gjerde Unanimous 1.19.18
Review and Approve Agenda Brandi Brown Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 4.20.18
Authorize the allocation of up to 6% of the Proposition 1 Implementation funding to the County of Humboldt for grant administration to ensure associated cost recovery. Supervisor Brown Brandi Brown Unanimous 4.20.18
Motion to approve the Draft 2018 NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines, NCRP 2018 Project Proposal Scoring Criteria and the NCRP 2018 Project Application materials (see Attachments B, C & D) to allow for the commencement of the NCRP 2018 Project Solicitation and development of a regional NCRP 2018 Grant Application. The recommendation includes approval to allow changes to the NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines and NCRP 2018 Project Application materials to be made by staff with input from the NCRP Proposition 1 Implementation Funding Solicitation Ad Hoc Committee to comply with the Draft and Final PSPs to be released by DWR in the spring and summer of 2018. Supervisor Brown Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.20.18
Motion to establish the budget limit for the Round 1 Proposition 1 IRWM Implementation grant to allow for the maximum funding amount provided in the Draft Round 1 Proposition 1 IRWM PSP up to 60% of the total amount available to the North Coast funding area for IRWM Implementation funding; allowing 40% to be held for Round 2.  Supervisor Brown  Supervisor Howard Yes: Chair: Supervisor Morris, Vice-Chair: Leaf Hillman, Alternate: Buzz Ward, Supervisor Chris Howard, Supervisor Ryan Sundberg, Supervisor Carre Brown,    Supervisor Ray Haupt, Supervisor Brandon Criss, Alternate: Dale Roberts. Oppose: Brandi Brown, Supervisor Mike Wilson. Motion Passed. 4.20.18
Motion to establish the preferred timing of the for PRP Final Priority Project Approval and Regional Application submittal: January 18, 2018: PRP consider/approve TPRC recommended suite of Priority North Coast Projects for NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 1 Implementation; March/ April 2019: regional application due to DWR for the NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 1 Implementation Project Grant. This option allows project proponents 5 months to prepare project applications for submittal to NCRP; 5 weeks for TPRC review (given the holidays). Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Sundberg Unanimous 4.20.18
The ad hoc committee was directed that the PRP project scoring guidelines should include screening criteria that will confer additional weight to projects that, in addition to meeting other NCRP criteria, will benefit North Coast disadvantaged communities and will provide additional weight for projects that benefit severely disadvantaged communities. Supervisor Howard Supervisor Criss Unanimous 4.20.18
The PRP directed the ad hoc committee to provide additional weight for projects that assist water infrastructure systems adapt to climate change. Brandi Brown Supervisor Brown Unanimous 4.20.18
The PRP directed the ad hoc committee to provide scoring criteria for projects that promote any or all the Program Preferences including Tribal additions for a total of 10 Program Preferences for a maximum amount of 7 points. Supervisor Wilson Brandi Brown Unanimous 4.20.18
PRP approval of the NCRP Plan & Storm Water Resource Plan Integration Process which will be included in the updated NCRP Plan and in a new section of the NCRP Handbook titled NCRP Policies. 1)The SWRP plan will include a summary of the NCRP IRWM Plan under the Existing Plans section. 2)The SWRP Plan, Implementation Strategy and Scheduling of Projects section will include a discussion on how the SWRP will be incorporated into the NCRP IRWM Plan per the following steps; The Public Draft SWRP will be provided to the NCRP Technical Peer Review Committee (TPRC) for review to ensure alignment with the NCRP IRWMP Goals and Objectives and for technical comment. The comment period will be 21 calendar days; The Public Draft SWRP will be presented to the NCRP Policy Review Panel (PRP) at a NCRP Quarterly Meeting for review and comment. If timing of the NCRP Quarterly Meetings does not align with the SWRP finalization, the SWRP may be submitted to the PRP via email for review and comment; Any TPRC or PRP commentary will be considered and addressed prior to finalizingthe SWRP with a “response to comments” memo; At a NCRP Quarterly Meeting, a copy of the Final SWRP and “response to comments” memo will be presented to the NCRP PRP for the final decision vote. If timing of the NCRP Quarterly Meetings does not align with the SWRP finalization, the SWRP may be submitted to the PRP via email for consideration at the next NCRP Quarterly Meeting; SWRP project proponents seeking funding that requires project inclusion into an IRWM Plan will follow the steps outlined in the On-Going Project Inclusion Process into the NCRP IRWM Plan found in the NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines (see Attachment B). Supervisor Howard Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 4.20.18
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Brown Unanimous 10.19.18
Approve staff recommendation: Through April 2019, authorize NCRP staff to work with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Executive Committee to pursue funding and provide legislative input that furthers the goals of the NCRP. The following assumptions apply:1. NCRP staff would only pursue funding opportunities that align with PRP approved Goals and Objectives2. Prior to proceeding on any funding or legislative opportunity, NCRP staff would receive approval from the Chair and Vice Chair at a minimum, and would request approval from the full Executive Committee3. NCRP staff would send draft funding requests or legislative input to the full PRP and TPRC for comment4. A decision to formally submit a grant application would be voted on by the full PRP5. Any funding request would honor the PRP approved approach to local autonomy – allowing Tribes or counties to opt out of any element of the funding request in which they do not wish to participate.6. Funding requests or legislative input will predominantly focus on project implementation, but may also include stakeholder outreach and coordination, technical support for project proponents, data, analysis and planning.7. At the April 2019 meeting, this authorization would be revisited by the PRP Motion amended to stipulate this approach is only suitable if the funding deadline is sooner than the next scheduled meeting of the PRP Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 10.19.18
Approve the staff recommendation:•  Executive Committee are approved to review a letter regarding the Russian River Pilot from the NCRP Tribal leadership, as well as to consider developing and submitting any additional letters or communication with DWR and California Forward regarding the Russian River Pilot. Note: the NCRP Executive Committee includes two members who reside in the Russian River watershed, and two Tribal members, all of whom are familiar with the Russian River Pilot process to date.•  As per past PRP Policy, any letters submitted on this matter will be shared with thefull PRP•  The Executive Committee and staff will bring a draft policy regarding NCRP interaction with external plans to the full PRP for discussion and consideration during the next NCRP meeting in January Motion amended to incorporate Supervisor Hopkins’ concerns about non-tribal DACs in the lower Russian River Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Hopkins Unanimous 10.19.18
Reconfirm 04/18 motion: NCRP Proposition 1 Round 1 Implementation Funding Solicitation Process with slight scheduling updates SupervisorMcCowen  Supervisor Gore  Unanimous 10.19.18
Chair Morris announced that Edwin Smith, Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria had stepped down from his role as PRP member. Chair Morris stated that he has been a PRP member since 2014 and he will be greatly missed. She read the NCRP resolution of appreciation and moved for the PRP to accept it and have the Tribal representatives present it to him. Supervisor McCowen Leaf Hillman Unanimous 04.26.19
Chair Morris also described that Devin Theobald has been working on the Humboldt County Contract Admin team for a number of years and has decided to change his role at the County of Humboldt. Humboldt County Supervisor Wilson presented him with an appreciation letter and moved for the PRP to accept it. Devin described that his work on the NCRP contract administration team and visiting the North Coast region has been remarkable. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 04.26.19
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP nominations and elections: PRP CHAIR: Supervisor Morris Supervisor Morris Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP nominations and elections: PRP VICE-CHAIR: Leaf Hillman Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP nominations and elections: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Supervisor Gore & Brandi Brown Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP nominations and elections: TPRC CO-CHAIRS: Sandra Perez & Dale Roberts Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP nominations and elections: NCRP JIMMY SMITH LEADERSHIP AWARD to Leaf Hillman Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP forms Ad Hoc Committees on an as needed basis to address short duration issues or topics. The PRP reviewed and approved the ad hoc committees Supervisor Wilson Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 04.26.19
Motion:1. The NCRP PRP will review and consider approving the NCRP Handbook on an annual basis.2. The PRP approved the updated NCRP Goals and Objectives listed in the meeting materials/summary and directed that they be included in the updated Handbook, website and updated NCRP Plan. 3. The PRP directed staff to send the draft NCRP Policy materials out to the leadership team soon after the quarterly meeting for review. The Handbook will be compiled and presented to the PRP during the July meeting for consideration. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Brown Unanimous 04.26.19
NCRP Staff Recommendation:i. Funding Acceptance• On behalf of the NCRP, accept the California Natural Resources Agency Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program Block Grant in the amount of $4,037,500• Authorize Humboldt County to enter into a grant agreement in the amount of $4,037,500 on behalf of the NCRP with California Natural Resource Agency and/or California Department of Conservationii. Ad Hoc Committee Formation• Form a Forest Resiliency Block Grant Ad Hoc Committee comprised of NCRP PRP and TPRC members to advise on the implementation of the CNRA block grantiii. PRP Direction• Authorize NCRP staff to negotiate additional refinements to the Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program Block Grant scope of work, budget, and grant agreement, in keeping with previous PRP direction and decisions, and with input from the Forest Resiliency Block Grant Ad Hoc Committee.•  Authorize NCRP staff to work with NRCP PRP and TPRC members from each NCRP tribe and county to identify and select potential Tribal and County Forest Advisors to act as paid advisors on: a) the development of the regional prioritized plan; b) demonstration project selection criteria; c) collaboration and coordination with NCRP staff, ad hoc committees and technical consultants.•  Provide regular updates to the NCRP Policy Review Panel regarding staff, Forest Resiliency Block Grant Ad Hoc Committee and NCRP Executive Committee actions and agendize the block grant at all NCRP PRP meetings until the grant agreement is completeMotion: Supervisor McCowen moved to accept the recommendation with the added provisions:1. to request information from partners about potential projects for forest resiliency2. authorize staff to do outreach to gather information Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 04.26.19
To authorize and direct the Executive Committee to work with Tribal representatives to develop a letter of support for local Russian River watershed tribes to work to develop the next phase of the Russian River Pilot.  Supervisor Wilson  Supervisor McCowen  Unanimous  04.26.19
PRP moved to accept the TPRC recommendation and suite of NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 IRWM Priority Projects as listed in the meeting summary with the following TPRC Contingencies:1. To fund the City of Trinidad, Trinidad-Westhaven Community Water Reliability, Security and Enhancement Project up to the amount of $831,389 should a Priority Project drop out of the NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 IRWM Regional Grant application prior to submittal of the application to DWR (summer 2019).2. Should a project drop out of the NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 IRWM Regional Grant after the grant is submitted to DWR, but prior to the NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 TPRC Project Review Meeting, the funding will be rolled into the Round 2 funding pot.3. Should a project drop out of the NCRP 2019 Proposition 1 IRWM Regional Grant after the NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 TPRC Project Review Meeting, the funding will be reallocated per the policy approved by the PRP in 2018 entitled Project Budget Under- Runs and Funding Reallocation Process (see Meeting Materials Attachment B, NCRP Policies, Policy V). Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Hemmingsen Unanimous 04.26.19
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Gore Unanimous 10.18.19
Forest Resiliency Block Grant Ad Hoc Committee Recommendation:The Forest Resiliency Ad Hoc Committee requests that the NCRP PRP approve the proposed recommendations as described in the meeting materials for the items below.ii. IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITIZATION PROCESS FOR PROJECTS, ACTIONS, STRATEGIESiii. DRAFT FOREST ADVISORS CRITERIA & SELECTION PROCESSiv. NCRP WATERSHEDS, COMMUNITIES & FIRE RESILIENCY PLAN OUTLINE REVIEW Supervisor Madrone Grant Davis Unanimous 10.18.19
NCRP Handbook, 2019 Review & ApprovalTo approve the staff recommendations: to approve the NCRP Policies to be included in the updated Handbook as an Appendix and approve the NCRP Handbook, 2019. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Howard Unanimous 10.18.19
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Jeremy Brown Unanimous 4.3.20
NCRP Regional Forest & Fire Capacity Demonstration Project Solicitation, Round 2 NCRP Forestry Ad Hoc Recommendations:i. Round 2 Demonstration Project Solicitation Timing & Selection• APRIL 13: The NCRP announces the 2020 Round 2 Demonstration Project Concept Proposal Solicitation via the  NCRP website and eblast. • MAY 22: Due date for the NCRP 2020 Round 2 Demonstration Project Concept Proposals. • MAY 24 – JUNE 14: TPRC Demonstration Project Concept Proposal review period. • JUNE 15: TPRC Project Review and Scoring meeting to select a portfolio of priority projects as a TPRC recommendation to be presented to the NCRP Policy Review Panel for final approval. • JUNE 19 or TBD: NCRP Policy Review Panel consider TPRC recommended suite of Priority NCRP 2020 Round 2 Demonstration Projects and approve a final list of projects. • JUNE/JULY: Priority NCRP 2020 Round 2 Demonstration Project sponsors work with NCRP staff to develop detailed scopes and budgets and finalize sub-grant agreements. • JULY 30, 2021: NCRP 2020 Demonstration Projects are completed. ii. Resubmittal of Proposals Demonstration Project proposals not selected in Round 1 will not be automatically rolled into Round 2. Project proponents whose projects were not selected in Round 1 are encouraged to resubmit their proposals to the Round 2 solicitation and may incorporate improvements based on the feedback from the TPRC Round 1 project proposal review prior to resubmission. iii. Funding Round Award Limits A total of $1.8 million of the CNRA block grant funding will go to fund demonstration processes and on-the-ground projects in two rounds of funding. The TPRC may recommend a suite of projects with a total combined budget up to $1 million during the first round of funding with the remainder of funding to be allocated to the second round of funding.  Supervisor Wilson  Supervisor McCowen  Unanimous  4.3.20
NCRP 2020 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TPRC RECOMMENDATION:The TPRC recommends funding the top six ranked projects at 80% except for the Mattole Restoration Council funded at 50% and Northwest California Resource Conservation & Development Council at 100% per the meeting summary. The TPRC also recommends reserving the approximately $83,000 leftover from Round 1 to Round 2. The decision not to allocate the remaining $83,000 was multi-faceted: TPRC felt they could not adequately fund the next highest ranked project with the remaining funds and would prefer to give it full consideration in the next round, should the project proponent choose to resubmit; Several projects could be improved with TPRC’s comments and TPRC would like to consider those in Round 2, should the project proponents choose to resubmit; Adding funding to Round 2 will also provide more opportunity for funding for Tribes or DACs that might have needed more time or assistance to prepare proposals; Lastly, it will provide more funding for a wider regional spread of projects.   Supervisor McCowen   Supervisor Wilson Unanimous. Recused: Leaf Hillman & Dale Roberts   4.3.20
The TPRC recommends that a statement be added to the Round 2 solicitation notice explicitly stating preference will be given to counties or areas not funded in Round 1 to help ensure regional participation and representation.
NCRP REGIONAL FOREST AND FIRE CAPACITY: CONCEPT PROPOSALS FOR PROJECT IDENTIFICATION & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE - NCRP Staff Recommendation:All submitted proposals that meet NCRP eligibility criteria will be listed in the NCRP project list. NCRP staff will work with the NCRP Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) and NCRP Disadvantaged Community and Tribal Involvement (DACTI) ad hoc committees appointed by the NCRP leadership to develop the Request for Concept Proposals and staff will distribute the Request for Proposals throughout the region. Proposals for technical assistance will be evaluated based on a selection process developed by the two RFFC and DACTI committees. Additional support for proposal evaluation may be provided by NCRP technical consultants and agency partners as requested. Technical assistance proposals will be evaluated by staff using the criteria developed by the ad hoc committees and will recommend a suite of projects based on available funding. NCRP DACTI and RFFC ad hoc committees will consider the draft suite of projects and make the final selection. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 4.3.20
DIRECTION TO STAFF RE: APPLICATION TO CAL FIRE GRANT PROGRAM NCRP Staff Recommendation: Given the long history of the NCRP providing technical assistance to project proponents, the fact that the NCRP has current funding and technical consultant capacity in place to provide technical assistance for forest health and fuel load reduction projects, and that significant need for technical assistance has been identified in the North Coast region, direct NCRP staff to evaluate this grant program, reach out to prospective partners such as North Coast Tribes, the North Coast RCD network, the UCCE Forest Advisor Network and the Watershed Research and Training Center to determine their interest in collaborating. If deemed a viable opportunity, staff would seek review of a draft grant proposal by the Forestry Ad Hoc Committee and the approval of the Chair and Vice-chair to move forward with a grant application. If awarded, the grant would only be accepted after approval of the full Policy Review Panel. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 4.3.20
NCRP LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK UPDATE: TRIBAL REPRESENTATION PROCESS NCRP Tribal PRP & TPRC Recommendation: To better represent the “Tribal Representation Process” and to make the existing process available to the public in an open and transparent way, the NCRP Tribal PRP and TPRC members recommend developing a webpage on the NCRP website with relevant information about Tribal participation in the Tribal Representation Process. They also recommend changing the following language in the NCRP Handbook as shown below. Policy Review Panel: The NCRP Policy Review Panel (PRP) consists of two Board of Supervisors’ appointees and alternates from each of the seven counties and three Tribal representatives and alternates selected by the North Coast Tribes according to the Tribal Selection & Representation as posted in the NCRP website with relation to Tribal nomination and voting documents. Technical Peer Review Committee: The Technical Peer Review Committee (TPRC) is comprised of technical & scientific staff appointed by Policy Review Panel members or Board of Supervisors from each county and Tribal representatives (and alternates) selected by the North Coast Tribes according to the Tribal Selection & Representation as posted in the NCRP website with relation Tribal nomination and voting documents. Amendment: An additional edit was proposed to the TPRC section of NCRP Handbook excerpted on page 10 of the meeting materials: Strike “Policy Review Panel members” from the second line and substitute “Board of Supervisors”. Supervisor McCowen Dale Roberts Unanimous 4.3.20
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Jeremy Criss Unanimous 6.19.20
TRIBAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER NOMINATION & ELECTION: Brandi Brown’s replacement on the Executive Committee will be Nathan Rich, following approval of the Kashia Band of Pomo Tribal Council. Supervisor Wilson  Supervisor McCowen  Unanimous  6.19.20
NCRP 2020 Round 2 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT TPRC RECOMMENDATION: The TPRC recommends funding seven of the top eight projects for the amounts listed in the table in the meeting summary. Supervisor Howard Supervisor McCowen Unanimous Recused: Dale Roberts 6.19.20
NCRP Handbook, 2020 Review & Approval: To approve the staff recommendations, to approve the NCRP Policies to be included in the updated Handbook as an Appendix, and approve the NCRP Handbook, 2019. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor McCowen Unanimous 6.19.20
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Hemmingsen Unanimous 12.11.20
APPROVE CONSOLIDATED RESOLUTION FOR OUTGOING PRP MEMBERS: Mendocino County Supervisors Carre Brown and John McCowen and Siskiyou County Supervisor Lisa L. Nixon Supervisor Howard Supervisor Gore Unanimous 12.11.20
NCRP GOVERNANCE POLICY: To expand the Executive Committee to six members: two Co-Chairs (one Tribal, one county), two Co-Vice-Chairs (one Tribal, one county) and two Executive Committee members (one Tribal, one county) Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Jeremy Brown Unanimous 12.11.20
NCRP FUNDING AND LEGISLATIVE OPPORTUNITIES POLICY: Minor changes to the existing policy intended to facilitate rapid response to funding or legislative opportunities. Any letters would be reviewed/approved by Executive Committee or PRP Co-Chairs at a minimum. It also would give staff the ability to accept funding up to $10,000 so long as it is in alignment with previous PRP direction and are for logistical support for stakeholder outreach (e.g., workshops, meetings, handouts) and not for planning or project implementation. Supervisor McCowen Supervisor Gore Unanimous 12.11.20
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Criss Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Tribal Co-Chair: Leaf Hillman Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Gore Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS County Co-Chair: Supervisor Gore Supervisor Madrone Leaf Hillman Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Tribal Co-Vice-Chair: Nathan Rich Leaf Hillman Edwin Smith Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS County Co-Vice-Chair: Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Gore Supervisor Brown Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Tribal Executive Committee Member: Edwin Smith Leaf Hillman Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS County Executive Committee Member: Supervisor Howard Supervisor Gore Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS TPRC Co-Chairs: Sandra Perez and Dale Roberts Leaf Hillman Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 1.15.21
NCRP NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS JIMMY SMITH LEADERSHIP AWARD: Judy Morris Leaf Hillman Supervisor Gore Unanimous 1.15.21
REVIEW AD HOC COMMITTEE VACANCIES: Funding Ad Hoc Committee should be disbanded and the duties taken on by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may call on other PRP members for specific related tasks. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Gore Unanimous 1.15.21
ARCCA GRANT FUNDING FOR AMPLIFICATION OF EQUITY: Staff recommends PRP approval of grant funding. If awarded, staff would work with Ex. Committee, Humboldt County, and ARCCA to clarify work scope and timing and sub-grantee administration.  Supervisor Gore  Supervisor Brown  Unanimous  1.15.21
CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE STEWARDSHIP NETWORK MEMBERSHIP: To join the California Landscape Stewardship Network and direct staff to participate on topics that align with NCRP Goals and Objectives via the Network’s Working Groups.  Supervisor Gore  Supervisor Williams  Unanimous  1.15.21
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.16.21
NCRP REGIONAL FOREST & FIRE CAPACITY - GOVERNOR’S EARLY ACTION BUDGET: NCRP staff expects to receive requests from State agency partners for funding amounts needed to support NCRP forest health planning and project priorities. Staff will develop a preliminary list of funding priorities, consult with the NCRP RFFC Ad Hoc and the NCRP Executive Committee on priorities, poll the full PRP for their ideas, and share the preliminary ideas with State agency partners for their review and approval. If funding is allocated to the NCRP, the protocol in the NCRP Handbook for accepting grant awards will be followed (e.g., approval by the full PRP, approval by Humboldt County as fiscal sponsor). Supervisor Criss Nathan Rich Unanimous 4.16.21
PROPOSITION 1 DISADVANTAGED COMMUNITY & TRIBAL INVOLVEMENT AD HOC COMMITTEE: Policy Review Panel can either fills vacant roles on Prop 1 DACTI Ad Hoc Committee or disband. Staff recommend disbanding.  Supervisor Groves Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 4.16.21
TECHNICAL PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE VACANCIES: Staff recommends that these positions be filled immediately, via follow-up conversations between staff and the appointing entity within the next quarter. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Groves Unanimous 4.16.21
REVIEW NCRP HANDBOOK, 2021 i. Title NORTH COAST RESOURCE PARTNERSHIP LEADERSHIP HANDBOOK title change to: NORTH COAST RESOURCE PARTNERSHIP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES HANDBOOK ii. NCRP Structure and Roles: The Handbook section is updated to reflect changes to the NCRP governance structure approved by the PRP in December 2020. It also includes a description of the NCRP staff and consultant roles and titles. iii. Mission and Guiding Principles: A new section includes the NCRP mission and guiding principles, and removes NCRP themes (these are reflected in the mission, principles and goals/objectives) iv. Miscellaneous Revisions: Updates to grammar and sentence structure, revisions for clarity such as removal of one column from project description, referral to website for those items that may change more than annually (e.g., PRP and TPRC membership). Supervisor Madrone Nathan Rich Unanimous 4.16.21
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Criss Supervisor Madrone Unanimous 7.16.21
NAME CHANGE – POLICY REVIEW PANELMotion to change the name of the “Policy Review Panel” to “Leadership Council” per Executive Committee and staff recommendation. Supervisor Wilson  Supervisor Ogren  Unanimous  7.16.21
OTHER DECISIONS NOT ON THE AGENDASupervisor Gore introduced an action item for consideration regarding acquisition of lidar funding for the region. Motion to direct staff to draft and collect NCRP co‐chair signatures on a letter from the NCRP.  Supervisor Howard  Supervisor Criss Unanimous 7.16.21
OTHER DECISIONS NOT ON THE AGENDASupervisor Gore introduced a motion to replace Supervisor Howard with Supervisor Ogren on the Executive Committee.  Supervisor Howard  Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 7.16.21
NCRP REGIONAL FOREST & FIRE CAPACITY PROGRAM BUDGET ALLOCATIONS: Authorize the NCRP staff team to negotiate a grant agreement between the County of Humboldt (on behalf of the NCRP) and the California Department of Conservation for future RFFC funding via the Early Action Budget and 2021-22 State Budget. CAL FIRE PILOT GRANT AGREEMENT: Authorize NCRP staff team to negotiate a grant agreement between the County of Humboldt, on behalf of the NCRP, and CAL FIRE for the Pilot project for the North Coast Region. HUMBOLDT AREA FOUNDATION & WILD RIVERS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT: FIRE RESPONSE CAPACITY ASSESSMENT & ENHANCEMENT: Authorize NCRP staff team to negotiate a grant agreement between the County of Humboldt, on behalf of the NCRP, and Humboldt Area Foundation/Wild Rivers Community Foundation. CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR’S OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH SUSTAINABLE FEEDSTOCK PROJECT: Authorize NCRP staff team to negotiate a scope of work and grant agreement between the County of Humboldt, on behalf of the NCRP, and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and work with the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee on a detailed work plan and implementation approach. Provide regular updates to the Policy Review Panel.Motion to approve the full slate of NCRP staff recommendations as outlined in the meeting materials. Supervisor Wilson Supervisor Howard Unanimous 7.16.21
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Gore Nathan Rich Unanimous      1.21.22
APRIL 15: YREKA OR ZOOM - There was discussion of hosting a potential 2-day event in Yreka in Siskiyou County. However, there is a new recommendation to move to Zoom given the COVID surge. Supervisor Ogren agrees that this is the prudent approach; Supervisor Criss is likewise in agreement. The next in-person meeting, whenever it may be, will be held in Yreka.Motion to hold the April meeting via Zoom. Supervisor Ogren Supervisor McGourty Unanimous 1.21.22
GOVERNOR’S OFFICE OF PLANNING & RESEARCH: BIOMASS GRANTMotion to appoint Supervisor Bohn to the steering committee. Supervisor Hemmingsen Supervisor McGourty Unanimous 1.21.22
NCRP DROUGHT RELIEF REGIONAL PROPOSAL SUBMISSION 2: UNDERREPRESENTED COMMUNITIES AND TRIBAL SET-ASIDETo approve the timeline and NCRP Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines, 2022 (Attachment A of meeting materials) to develop a NCRP Drought Relief Submission 2: Underrepresented Communities and Tribal Set-Aside Regional Proposal. Authorized the Executive Committee to make the final decision regarding the TPRC recommended suite of projects for submittal. Supervisor Ogren Supervisor Gore Unanimous 1.21.22
PROPOSITION 1 IRWM ROUND 2 FUNDING: To approve the Draft 2022 NCRP Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines (see Attachment B), with provisions for developing project application materials and finalizing the Guidelines with oversight of the Proposition 1 Ad Hoc Committee to allow for the commencement of the NCRP 2022 Project Solicitation and development of a regional NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 Grant Application.  Supervisor McGourty Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 1.21.22
STAFF DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND CAPACITY SUPPORT ALLOCATION: The NCRP will establish an on-going solicitation for concept proposals from eligible entities throughout the North Coast region that align with the NCRP Goals and Objectives. The concept proposals will briefly describe the project, probable outcomes, and the nature of the technical assistance and capacity support requested.Proposals for technical assistance and capacity support will be evaluated based on a selection process and selection criteria developed by the NCRP RFFC, Proposition 1 and/or Tribal Involvement ad hoc committees appointed by the NCRP Leadership Council. Technical assistance proposals and capacity support will be evaluated and selected by staff using the criteria developed by the Ad Hoc committees based on available funding.NCRP staff will contract with a team of technical regional experts to provide one-on-one technical assistance and capacity building for the selected technical assistance projects. The typical value of technical assistance provided is in the range of $5,000 to $15,000 per entity.  Supervisor Ogren Supervisor Gore Unanimous 1.21.22
Review and Approve Agenda Unanimous  8.26.22
NCRP REGIONAL FOREST AND FIRE CAPACITY DRAFT PLAN: To approve the Staff Recommendation incorporating changes to the Ad Hoc committee membership noted below and to complete the plan for final approval of the NCRP Leadership Council in December 2022, via the following steps: A) Integrate feedback from the Leadership Council meeting on August 26, 2022. B) Meet with any interested Leadership Council members who wish to review the draft plan in more depth and provide additional information. C) Finalize incomplete plan sections (executive summary, site map, graphic corrections, integration of Project Tracker, outstanding recommendations from partners, etc). D) Hold a Tribal workshop and a CAL FIRE workshop (with other agencies invited per CAL FIRE request) to discuss the draft plan and hear additional refinements or revisions. E) Release the draft plan for broad partner, public and community review (simultaneously with workshops as needed). F) Convene 1-2 additional RFFC Ad Hoc Committee meetings between now and December Leadership Council meeting to review updates to the draft plan based on Tribal workshop and CAL FIRE/agency workshop, and public review process. G) Reconfigure the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee to focus on continued RFFC plan development and add an emphasis on plan implementation, and continue the Committee for another year. H) Consider whether any changes or updates are needed to the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee membership. Maximum number of LC members = 7, current members: a)      Co-Chair: Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribe, Northern Region b) Co-Vice-Chair: Supervisor Steve Madrone, Humboldt County. c) Supervisor Gerry Hemmingsen, Del Norte County. d) Supervisor Brandon Criss, Siskiyou County e) TPRC Co-Chair: Dale Roberts, Engineer, Sonoma County Water Agency. f) Toz Soto, Senior Fisheries Biologist, Karuk Tribe, Northern Region g) Wayne Haydon, Certified Engineering Geologist, Sonoma County h) Mark Lancaster, Director, Five Counties Salmonid Conservation Program I. Approve the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee to work with NCRP staff team to provide guidance and review for the OPR Woody Feedstock Initiative, and other initiatives related to RFFC plan implementation. Meetings that address the OPR Woody Feedstock initiative will include NCRP Leadership Council member Supervisor Rex Bohn, appointed by the LC as liaison to the OPR Woody Feedstock initiative, and other consultants as appropriate. Ad hoc Committee Changes: 1) Supervisor Hemmingsen would like to step off the committee at the end of the year. 2) Michelle Downey would like to join. 3) Supervisor Ogren would like to join. 4)Supervisor Bohn would like to join. With these changes, a quorum of LC members has been reached. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 8.26.22
NCRP BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENTS: Motion to authorize staff to move forward with due diligence (as opposed to provisional approval) and that the notion of approval be brought back at the December NCRP meeting. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Hemmingsen Unanimous 8.26.22
NCRP MOMU & HANDBOOK UPDATE: Motion to make the changes described in the staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: NCRP staff integrate direction and guidance from the Leadership Council based on the August 26 2022 review of the draft MOMU. See meeting materials Attachment A for a review draft version of the MOMU. Maintain the NCRP Policies and Procedures Handbook as the guidance document for the NCRP, with regular updating and approval by the Leadership Council.Review and approve an August 2022 version of the NCRP Policies and Procedures Handbook that includes updated Goals and Objectives, Guiding Principles, funding awards, and NCRP Projects (Handbook, Appendix D). An updated Handbook with excerpted sections for approval can be found as Attachment B. NCRP staff work with the Executive Committee to make additional refinements and bring updated drafts of the MOMU and Handbook for review and approval to the Leadership Council for consideration during the December 2022 Quarterly Meeting. Future Action (prior to and during December 2022 Quarterly Meeting: )NCRP Tribal Engagement Director Sherri Norris will coordinate discussions with NCRP Tribal representatives for the December 2022 update to the Handbook. Review and approve additional refinements to the MOMU based on staff and Executive Committee review. Update the NCRP Policies and Procedures Handbook with new and updated elements that reflects Leadership Council direction – including the standards and values of the NCRP that we expect all partners to acknowledge if working in collaboration with the NCRP. Review and approve the Handbook, Appendix C: Policies during December 2022 Quarterly Meeting: Staff to develop a proposed process for Leadership Council consideration that would integrate the Handbook into all grant agreements and contracts, including for demo projects, consulting, technical assistance and sub-grant awards for planning or implementation. Discuss whether Leadership Council and TPRC Representatives should receive an orientation to the NCRP and formally sign onto the Handbook and MOMU when appointed. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 8.26.22
FUNDING APPROVALS FOR THE NCRP: Motion to accept the funding described in the staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve NCRP staff and Humboldt County to apply for, negotiate the terms of, and enter into contracts or grant agreements for the following projects and/or initiatives, totaling approximately $45 million. See Meeting Materials for a table describing the various awards. Supervisor Ogren Supervisor McGourty Unanimous 8.26.22
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Criss Supervisor Bohn Unanimous 12.9.23
NCRP REGIONAL FOREST AND FIRE CAPACITY DRAFT PLAN: Motion to approve the Staff Recommendation as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) Approve the North Coast Regional Resilience Plan: A Vision for North Coast Resilience – Priorities for Enhancing Watershed, Fireshed, Forest and Community Resilience in the North Coast Region. 2) Adaptively update the North Coast Regional Resilience Plan to reflect new information and priorities, as well as additional refinements to the current plan based on partner input. Review proposed updates with the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee and bring to the Leadership Council for approval during their regular meetings. 3) NCRP staff to begin implementation of priority plan elements that have been approved by the Leadership Council, develop a detailed implementation plan for the North Coast Regional Resilience Plan, review and refine with the NCRP RFFC Ad Hoc, and discuss with the NCRP Leadership Council at its next meeting. 4) RFFC Ad Hoc Committee to focus on continued RFFC plan development and updating, plan implementation, including the development of prioritization, evaluation and selection criteria for all plan elements, including current initiatives (e.g., technical assistance to underrepresented, economically disadvantaged and/or vulnerable communities, the OPR woody feedstock contract, CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot, Humboldt Area Foundation/Wild Rivers Community Foundation capacity investments). Updated criteria for prioritization, evaluation and selection will be reviewed at the next Leadership Council meeting. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 12.9.22
NCRP PROPOSITION 1 IRWM ROUND TWO: PROJECT SELECTION: Motion to approve the TPRC Recommendation as presented. TPRC RECOMMENDATION: To approve for inclusion in the NCRP Proposition 1 IRWM Round 2 Implementation Regional Grant, the draft suite of projects and recommended budget amounts listed in the Meeting Materials. To approve the contingency list of budget augmentations to the priority projects (listed in order of priority) provided in the Meeting Materials, should a project drop out of the suite of projects or additional funding becomes available for any reason. Supervisor Ogren Supervisor Criss Unanimous 12.9.22
NCRP MOMU UPDATE & APPROVAL: Motioned to approve the Staff Recommendation, with the slight modification to strike “or strongly encourage” from Item (d). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: a) Approve the updated MOMU (Attachment B). b) Direct staff to perform outreach to counties and Tribal councils that have representatives on the NCRP Leadership Council, provide them the updated MOMU and draft resolution language, and request that they adopt the NCRP MOMU by July 1, 2023. c) Include language in all contracts and sub-grants issued by the NCRP and its representatives that requires the grantee or contractor to acknowledge that they understand and will adhere to the information in the NCRP MOMU and the NCRP Policies and Procedures Handbook (linked via the NCRP website to reflect ongoing updates). d) Require or strongly encourage new Leadership Council and Technical Peer Review Committee members to receive an orientation from NCRP staff (and Executive Committee members, TPRC Co-Chairs as available) that includes an overview of the MOMU and the Policies and Procedures Handbook. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor McGourty Unanimous 12.9.22
NCRP BOUNDARY EXPANSION: SONOMA COUNTY: Motion to approve the Staff Recommendation as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the outreach and evaluation described in the Meeting Materials, NCRP staff recommends that:a) The Leadership Council refrain from changing the NCRP boundary at this time, and revisit the NCRP boundary for all county and Tribal areas at a future meeting as needed.b) The Leadership Council consider future opportunities brought forward by NCRP staff to collaboratively work across boundaries where it furthers the mission and goals of the NCRP Supervisor Bohn Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 12.9.22
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 7.14.23
NCRP NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Motion to maintain current slate of representatives. Supervisor Bohn Chair Emeritus Mackenzie Unanimous 7.14.23
NCRP NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS: Staff Recommendations: Disband Prop 1 implementation Ad Hoc; Continue RFFC Ad Hoc; add new committees – Capacity Ad Hoc; Funding Ad Hoc; Cannabis Ad Hoc; staff will reach out to LC members to form those three committees based on interested parties. Supervisor Howard Supervisor Bohn Unanimous 7.14.23
JIMMY SMITH AWARD: Motion to Change name to Jimmy Smith & Leaf Hillman Award and award to James Gore. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 7.14.23
SLATE OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING NCRP FUNDING DECISIONS: Motion to accept staff recommendations. NCRP Staff Team• CAL FIRE Pilot• OPR Regional Biomass/Woody Feedstock Initiative• Humboldt Area Foundation & Wild Rivers Community Foundation. Supervisor Gjerde Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 7.14.23
2023-24 QUARTERLY MEETING DATES & LOCATIONS (IN PERSON)Considerations:• Goal is to have these meetings in-person, not hybrid (Ad Hocs will still be Zoom after kick-offs)• Consider meeting on the coast in the summertime and swap out July meeting for Crescent City, Santa Rosa instead of Ukiah• April 19 – may be a conflict with Sac meeting. Supervisor Howard Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 7.14.23
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Bohn Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 10.20.23
CAL FIRE FOREST HEALTH PILOT: Motion to approve the Staff Recommendation as presented: a) Direct RFFC Ad Hoc Committee, TPRC Co-Chairs and Executive Committee to advise NCRP staff on review and refinement of CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot processes, Project Evaluation & Selection Process Guidelines and Request for Proposal materials. b) Authorize staff to work with CAL FIRE to make refinements to these materials, based on CAL FIRE program requirements.c) Present recommended CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot processes, Project Evaluation & Selection Process Guidelines and Request for Proposal materials to the Leadership Council in January 2024, and provide recommended slate of projects to the Leadership Council in July 2024. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 10.20.23
NCRP HANDBOOK UPDATES• Authorize the NCRP Executive Committee and TPRC Co-Chairs to work with staff on Handbook refinement and updating• Bring updated Handbook to the Leadership Council for consideration and approval. Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 10.20.23
CONSENT ITEMS: SLATE OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Motion to approve the recommendations as presented:• Form Illegal Cannabis Committee with funding to be integrated into executive committee; capacity to be integrated into RFFC.• Confirm Supervisors Criss, Carpenter-Harris, and Gogan as Illegal Cannabis Committee members.• NCRP RFFC Ad Hoc to work with NCRP staff to develop 3-4 listening and learning sessions around the North Coast Region, and integrate information from the sessions into NCRP strategy documents, including the updated Vision for North Coast Resilience.Motion to Amend: Supervisor Criss asked for Tribal representation on this committee and provided additional thoughts on value of this committee to band together to seek funding for cleanup of chemical pollution, etc. Michelle Downey agreed to join this committee. Supervisor McKenzie Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 10.20.23
2023-24 QUARTERLY MEETING DATES & LOCATIONS (IN PERSON): Motion to approve recommended dates and locations. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: • January 19, 2024 (Ukiah)• April 25-26, 2024 (Weaverville) – (New Proposed Dates)• July 19, 2024 (Del Norte)• October 18, 2024 (Yreka) Supervisor Bohn Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 10.20.23
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Wilson Councilmember Downey Unanimous 1.19.24
CAL FIRE PILOT - STAFF RECOMMENDATION: a) Review and provide direction for the draft NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Project Review & Selection Process Guidelines and application materials found in Appendices A, B, and C. b) Direct the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee, TPRC Co-Chairs and Executive Committee to continue to advise NCRP staff on review and refinement of the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Pilot Implementation Project Review & Selection Process Guidelines and application materials. c) Authorize staff to continue to work with CAL FIRE to make refinements to these materials, based on CAL FIRE program requirements and input. Supervisor Ogren Supervisor Gogen Unanimous 1.19.24
REALLOCATION OF DWR MULTI-BENEFIT DROUGHT FUNDS – RECOMMENDATION OF TPRC AD HOC: The TPRC reviewed the project sponsor responses and discussed various methods for reallocating the funds. It was determined that using the original proposal TPRC scores was the fairest way to reallocate the funds to these projects as these scores reflect the proposal criteria approved by the LC and are listed in the NCRP Urban and Multibenefit Drought Relief Project Review and Selection Process Guidelines, 2022. The TPRC Ad Hoc also would like authorization to debrief the reallocation process and make recommendations for process and policy improvements to be reviewed by the LC during the April Quarterly Meeting. Supervisor Gore Chair Emeritus Mackenzie Unanimous 1.19.24
NCRP HANDBOOK – HISTORY, CURRENT STATE, POTENTIAL UPDATES• Authorize the NCRP Executive Committee and TPRC Co-Chairs to work with staff on Handbook refinement and updating• Bring updated Handbook to the Leadership Council for consideration and approval in April 2024. Supervisor Wilson Chair Emeritus Mackenzie Unanimous 1.19.24
SLATE OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS A) Governor’s Office of Planning Grant - Staff Recommendation: Authorize Humboldt County as the Administrative and Contracting lead for the NCRP to enter into a grant agreement with OPR to implement this grant. NCRP staff to develop a detailed work plan for review with the RFFC Ad Hoc Committee, and review by the Leadership Council at the April 2024 meeting. B) State Water Resources Control Board Contract - Staff Recommendation: Authorize Humboldt County as the Administrative and Contracting lead for the NCRP to enter into a contract with the State Water Board. NCRP staff to develop a detailed work plan for review by the Leadership Council at the April 2024 meeting. C) Quarterly Forecasting/Projections and Quarterly Reporting - Staff Recommendation: Provide projections and reporting on NCRP staff work plans at each quarterly meeting, and continue to refine based on Leadership Council input on the effectiveness of this approach. Supervisor Wilson Chair Emeritus Mackenzie Unanimous 1.19.24
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Madrone Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.26.24
NCRP CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT INVESTMENTS - Staff Recommendation a) NCRP staff team to continue to work collaboratively on detailed work planning and budgeting for Round Two of the RFFC funding award, with guidance and decisions as needed from the NCRP Executive Committee and RFFC Ad Hoc. b) NCRP staff team to continue to work collaboratively with guidance from the RFFC Ad Hoc to deploy the regional capacity assessment between now and October 1, 2024, with CIEA leading the Tribal assessment and WCW leading non-Tribal assessments – both using the same assessment tool and reporting on the same information. This assessment will inform the continued development of the NCRP Capacity Enhancement Strategy. c) NCRP staff team to continue to work collaboratively to identify opportunities for enhancement to capacity investment processes and actions in the interim period prior to the adoption of the NCRP Regional Capacity Enhancement Strategy. Request guidance and decisions from the NCRP Executive Committee and RFFC Ad Hoc as needed. d) Share the results from the regional capacity assessment at the October 2024 NCRP, Leadership Council to provide guidance and direction on priorities from this regional capacity assessment. e) Work with the RFFC Ad Hoc and Executive Committee to prioritize strategies and priorities based on the assessment results and continue to refine the Regional Capacity Enhancement Strategy. Supervisor Gore Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 4.26.24
A1) Proposed Near Term Updates (NCRP Handbook) - Staff Recommendation: To enable on-going and real-time updates to the Handbook, for informational elements that change often, but do not need to receive formal approval by the LC during quarterly meetings; staff recommends making the following sections and appendices into hyperlinked webpages that can be changed as needed: 1. Funding Awards 2. Leadership Council, TPRC and Ad Hoc members 3. NCRP Leadership Council Decision Making Records (formerly Handbook Appendix A) 4. Website Links (formerly Handbook Appendix B) 5. NCRP Projects (formerly Handbook Appendix D) 6. MOMU Signatories List (formerly Handbook Appendix E) 7. Tribal Representation Process & North Coast Tribes List (formerly Handbook Appendix F). A2) NCRP Grants and Contracts Admin Allocation - Staff Recommendation: Allocate up to 6% to cover County of Humboldt costs for grant administration/project management for all NCRP grants or contracts. A3) NCRP Project Budget Under-runs and Funding Reallocation Process - Staff Recommendation: Approve the Updated NCRP Budget Re-allocation Policy outlined in Appendix C. A4) NCRP Project Review & Selection Process Guidelines - Staff Recommendation: Approve the updated NCRP Project Review & Selection Process Guidelines outlined in Appendix D. A5) NCRP Technical Assistance Policy - Staff Recommendation: Approve the NCRP Technical Assistance Policy outlined in Appendix E, and evaluate its application and effectiveness for consideration as part of the NCRP Regional Capacity Enhancement Strategy that will be considered by the NCRP Leadership Council in October, 2024. B) Leadership Council & Staff Visits to Sacramento - Staff Recommendation: NCRP staff set up visits to Sacramento, work with the Executive Committee on timing to ensure their attendance if desired, poll the full Leadership Council and TPRC Co-Chairs to determine interest in participating, and coordinate visits accordingly. C) Recording Meetings and Sharing Via Website - Staff Recommendation: Beginning with the next NCRP meeting, record the NCRP quarterly meeting and place the recording on the NCRP website. D) Grants & Funding - Staff Recommendation: Authorize NCRP staff team to move forward on grant applications, grant agreement execution, and detailed work planning for the following grants, and authorize the NCRP Executive Committee (with TPRC Co-Chair consultation) to make decisions on criteria for project evaluation and selection. 1. OPR Climate Grant (awarded, detailed work planning with NCRP staff team pending) 2. SCC lidar grant (awarded, detailed work planning with NCRP staff team pending) 3. SWRCB (awarded, detailed work planning with NCRP staff team pending) 4. Application Due in July 2024: NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program ($25 million for implementation; staff team to develop grant application) 5. Rolling Application: SB 1 Regional Sea Level Rise Planning – CA Ocean Protection Council 6. NASA tree mortality partnership with SSU (no direct funding to NCRP: input, advising, updates to Leadership Council) Chair Emeritus Mackenzie Supervisor Howard Unanimous 4.26.24
Review and Approve Agenda Supervisor Howard Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 10.18.24
Public comment: NCRP has a vital role in the region and is making a difference.
CAL FIRE PILOT PROPOSAL SUITE REVIEW AND APPROVAL - Staff Recommendation: The NCRP Staff Team recommends that the Leadership Council approve the TPRC Recommendation and draft suite of projects with recommended budget amounts for inclusion in the NCRP CAL FIRE Forest Health Regional Pilot Grant, and to reconfirm previous Leadership Council direction for staff to work with CAL FIRE to refine project materials, where applicable aligning project descriptions and supporting materials with reduced budgets, and develop the final packet of materials for submittal to CAL FIRE for implementation in accordance with the California Climate Investments, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Forest Health Program, Regional Grant Pilot Guidelines, December 2023. Supervisor Djerde Supervisor Ogren Unanimous 10.18.24
HANDBOOK UPDATES - Staff Recommendation: Approve updates made to the NCRP Handbook included in meeting materials Appendix G. Supervisor Bohn Supervisor Wilson Unanimous 10.18.24
LETTERS OF SUPPORT - Staff Recommendation: In place of providing partners with letters of support, NCRP staff will instead provide partners with a letter documenting alignment of the partner’s proposed project with elements of plans or policies that have been approved by the NCRP Leadership Council. If the partner’s project has been approved for funding by the NCRP Leadership Council, a letter will be provided (as requested) that documents that the Leadership Council has approved funding for the project, and will document the percentage of NCRP funding of the overall project. Letters will be signed by the NCRP Director of Strategic Planning and Communications. Co-chair Hillman Co-chair Gore Unanimous 10.18.24