Salmonid Restoration Federation 3rd Steelhead Summit
Salmonid Restoration Federation with the support of CDFW is hosting the 3rd Steelhead Summit in Ventura, CA this December 3-5. This symposium includes a full plenary day with presentations and panel discussions on conservation genetics, coastal monitoring, steelhead status reports, post-fire recovery, and flow enhancement efforts. The Summit will include concurrent field tours to projects in the Santa Monica mountains, Ventura River tributaries, and Santa Barbara fish passage and flood control projects. The symposium will also include a technical flow enhancement and water rights workshop. For more information, please see the tentative agenda. The agenda will be finalized in the coming weeks but you can register now to receive the advanced rate of $200. After November 14, the rate will increase to $225.
December 3, 2018 – December 5, 2018
All day