Environmental review pathways to long-term success: prescribed fires
Link to Webinar Registration
This is an opportunity to learn about environmental review pathways to make prescribed fires successful.
Want to learn more about increasing the pace and scale of prescribed fire? Participants will improve their understanding of how to get prescribed fires accomplished.
CAL FIRE Battalion Chief, Marshall Turbeville, will explain how the environmental review process may differ depending on the project. Senior Environmental Scientist with Permit Sonoma, Robert Aguero, will outline a basic introduction to The California Environmental Act (CEQA) and which environmental review pathway may be best for a project. Vegetation Management Coordinator at Sonoma County Ag and Open Space, Kim Batchelder, will provide case studies to illustrate the positive value of using the California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) to accomplish wildfire resiliency efforts. Stewardship Director at Sonoma Land Trust, Bob Neale, will share Sonoma Land Trust’s experience with the CalVTP and lessons learned along the way.
April 16, 2023
10:00 am – 12:00 pm