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Best Practices in Solar Planning and Zoning webinar

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Best Practices in Solar Planning and Zoning webinar

February 21, 11 AM: Best Practices in Solar Planning and Zoning webinar. This webinar will address best practices for including solar in land use plans and local zoning ordinances. Learn how to provide maximum siting options for rooftop and ground mount solar projects while preserving your community’s character and historic resources. Also learn how local governments can set solar development goals, address “solar-ready” concepts in their zoning ordinances, and capture benefits of solar development while minimizing risks, as well as how solar can be included in local planning documents such as comprehensive, functional and small area plans. Join panelists Brian Ross, AICP, of the Green Plains Institute, Megan Day of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Scott Annis of the International City/County Management Association.


February 21, 2019


All day