19th International Conference on Harmful Algae, La Paz, Mexico
In our coasts, we have several harmful species that we share with other geographic regions Gymnodinium catenatum, Pyrodinium bahamense, Prorocentrum lima, Dinophysis spp, Pseudonitzschia spp, Cochlodinium polyrkikoides, Chattonella spp. and Microcystis spp., among others. Many of them have caused important impacts that have led to economic losses. During the last years, we have increased our monitoring capacities for the detection of these species and their toxins, but we still have many aspects to attend regarding harmful benthic species and harmful algae blooms in our fresh water systems, among many others. We are aware of the complexity of the impact of Harmful Algal worldwide and the importance to apply basic scientific knowledge to help resolve future challenges. For these reasons, our elected central theme for ICHA 2021 is from basic studies to future applications.
During this meeting international scientists and students will present their latest results on harmful algae from marine and freshwater systems covering a wide array of topics (taxonomy, genomics, toxins, ecology, life cycles, impacts, HAB technologies, surveillance, and management, among many others). Presentations types will include plenary lectures, oral presentations, speed talks, and posters. We are planning an enjoyable meeting where scientists can present their research, share their ideas, and establish new collaborations.
October 10, 2021 – October 15, 2021
All day