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California CWPP Tookit Development Webinar: Session 1

Event Details

California CWPP Tookit Development Webinar: Session 1


Speakers will provide an overview of the statewide
CWPP Toolkit in development, including its purpose,

goals, and how it can help California communities.

Join us to provide input on how CWPPs can best

serve you and your communities.

Julia Marsili

California Fire Safe


Molly Mowery

Community Wildfire

Planning Center

Annie Schmidt

Fire Adapted

Communities Network

CWPP Toolkit

Development Webinar

Who should participate:
agencies, community leaders, non-profits, wildfire
practitioners, Tribes, and other interested parties in the state of California who

participate in the development of Community Wildfire Protection Plans.

Please register using the links below to join us during any
one of the sessions (each
session will provide the same content)

Session 1
J U L Y 1 7

8:30 – 10 am PDT

Session 2
J U L Y 1 8

10:30 – Noon PDT

Session 3
J U L Y 2 0

11 – 12:30 pm PDT


Session 4

J U L Y 2 5

9 – 10:30 am PDT


For questions and more information:


July 17, 2023


8:30 am – 10:00 am