ac Step 5 test – Complete Final Design and Construction

The toolbox elements summarized in this section provide assistance to small agencies in hiring the professionals needed to help a District throughout the Utility Management Cycle and provides an overview of the process for the public bidding of construction projects.

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Once the overall project concept is finalized and funding is secured, the final design and construction phases can commence. This is where the most significant capital outlays occur and depending on the timing of money from a funding program, it may be necessary to secure short term interim financing, also known as a bridge loan, to initially fund design and construction. When design and construction can commence will depend on the timing of the overall financing package, program deadlines, and other factors.

The design process should be a collaborative effort where the utility operators are working with the design professionals and regulators to configure the final plans and specifications to meet local needs as well as regulatory requirements. A construction contractor is selected through a public bidding process. The construction contract should be administered by professionals with construction management experience. The requirements of the construction contract depend on local agency or tribe contracting requirements, the public contract code, and specific requirements of the funding agencies.

Toolbox Elements

The toolbox elements prepared under this program that can help small agencies complete final design and construction are summarized in Table 5 below:

Table 5 – Toolbox Elements to Complete Final Design and Construction

Toolbox Element What it is and How it can be Used
Guidance for Hiring Professionals As a project moves from initial planning towards implementation, detailed, community-specific designs are required and communities will need to retain professional support
Public Bidding Process Overview Understanding how the public bidding process works, how to set up a successful project bid, and how the low bid contractor is selected

The following sections provide a summary of the toolbox elements themselves and how they can be used by small agencies to help progress a project through the Utility Management Cycle. Further detail on the toolbox elements is provided in the referenced appendices.

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ac Step 5 test – Complete Final Design and Construction