Element 3.1: Funding Program Summaries (post)

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Summaries of common funding program are presented in this Element.  The funding program summaries present a general overview of many of the more common funding programs that are available to small communities for financing infrastructure projects.

Alternate Funding Sources

The organizations and agencies listed below are important potential sources of funding. These resources are provided to serve as a one-stop information shop about funding programs suited to small community infrastructure projects.

Public Funding Sources

Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC)

Main Office:

3120 Freeboard Drive, Suite 201. West Sacramento, CA 95691.
Tel: (916)-447-2854 Fax: (916)-447-2878

Website: http://www.rcac.org/home

North Coast Contact:

Brian Phillips, RCAC Environmental Programs Regional Manager CA/NV

(707) 489-6994;


Mission Statement: “Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) provides technical assistance, training and financing so rural communities achieve their goals and visions.”

Funding Cycles/Timing: Continuous

Funding Limits:

  • Short term loans (1-3 years):
    • Feasibility studies: Loans normally do not exceed $10,000.
    • Acquisition: Loans normally do not exceed $2 million.
    • Construction: Loans normally do not exceed $2 million.
  • Long term loans (up to 30 years): Loans normally do not exceed $5 million.

Eligible Applicants: Nonprofit organizations, public agencies, tribal governments with populations of 50,000 or less

California Rural Water Association (CRWA)

4131 Northgate Boulevard, Sacramento CA 95834Tel: (916)-553-4900 Fax: (916)-553-4904

Website: http://www.calruralwater.org/

Mission Statement: “To meet the needs of member water and wastewater systems by providing quality information, training and technical assistance and legislative representation, and assist them in maintaining a high standard of service to their communities.”

National Rural Water Association

2915 South 13th Street. Duncan, OK 93533Tel: (580)-252-0629 Fax: (580)-255-4476

Website: http://www.nrwa.org/

Purpose: To provide training, technical assistance, and advocate for small rural water systems.

Funding Limits: $100,000 or 75% or the project cost, whichever is less.

Eligible Applicants: Municipalities, counties, special purpose districts, Native American Tribes, nonprofits.

California Water Environment Association

7677 Oakport Street, Suite 600. Oakland CA 94621Tel: (510)-382-7800 Fax: (510)-382-7810

Website: http://www.cwea.org/

Purpose: Committed to keeping California’s water clean through wastewater training, technical information and policy promotion.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Federal Emergency Management Agency1111 Broadway, Suite 1200

Oakland, CA 94607-4052

FEMA Region IX: Grants Management Division Website: http://www.fema.gov/fema-region-ix-grants-management-division

Mission: “To support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.”

Funding Cycles/Timing: Typically proposal period is opened once per year – Apply through California Emergency Management Agency

Preparedness Grant Program: http://www.fema.gov/preparedness-non-disaster-grants

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: http://www.fema.gov/hazard-mitigation-grant-program

Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program: http://www.fema.gov/pre-disaster-mitigation-grant-program

Eligible Applicants: Varies – Call grants division for more information

EPA Region 9 Tribal Funding

EPA Region 9’s Water Division provides technical and programmatic assistance to promote clean and safe water including water pollution control, source water assessments, groundwater investigations, and wastewater and drinking water infrastructure to 147 Native American tribes in the Pacific Southwest.Drinking Water Programs Manager

Corine Li email: li.corine@epa.gov

Tel: (415)-972-3560

Website: http://www.epa.gov/region9/water/tribal/index.html

Indian Health Services

650 Capitol Mall, Suite 7-100. Sacramento CA 95814

Tel: (916)-930-3927 Fax:(916)-930-3952

Website: http://www.ihs.gov/California/


Redding District
Arcata Field Office

1125 16th Street

Suite 100

Arcata, CA 95521-5585

Tel: (707) 822-1688

Sacramento District
Ukiah Field Office

1252 Airport Park Blvd.

Suite B5

Ukiah, CA 95482-5979

Tel: (707) 462-5314 or 045

Indian Community Development Block Grant Program

Website: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/public_indian_housing/ih/grants/icdbgPurpose: “Provides eligible grantees with direct grants for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities.”

Funding Resources: Further information on funding can be found in the ICDBG Training Manual found here.

Eligible Applicants: Indian tribes, bands, groups, or nations.

Private Funding Sources

Mclean Foundation

1336 Main Street. Fortuna CA 95540

Website: http://mcleanfoundation.org/

Mission Statement: “The McLean Foundation empowers communities in the Eel River Valley and Humboldt County by providing funding, leadership and support.”

Funding Amounts:

  • Small Grants: $5,000 or less
  • Large Grants: $5,000 or more

Eligible Applicants: Funding programs related to health and medical care, funding city and community projects that benefit the residents of Humboldt County.

Humboldt County Headwaters Fund

Website: http://theheadwatersfund.org/Purpose: “To support the growth of industry clusters, to increase the number of sustainable jobs that pay at or above the median income, to enhance the quality of life for residents of Humboldt County Through project that promote healthy communities and protect and enhance the natural environment.”

Funding Types: Grant programs, loan programs

Funding Amounts (loans): $500,000 to $1.8 million

Eligible Applicants: Government and nonprofit organizations