NCRP Adaptive Planning & Prioritization Framework
The North Coast Resource Partnership collaborates with an array of partners to enhance the communities and watersheds of the North Coast region. NCRP uses the best available science, data, and local expertise and information to guide Plan development as well as the prioritization of projects, activities, and investments in the region. NCRP has developed a rigorous and adaptive process that ensures fairness, equity, inclusion, and transparency in all activities, from planning through project implementation. This process helps to ensure that the highest priority projects and activities are implemented, and that all partners – including historically underserved and economically disadvantaged communities – are able to access the tools, funding, and support needed to build and maintain capacity to achieve regional goals for healthy landscapes and communities. The process is described in the NCRP Adaptive Planning and Prioritization Framework Story Map. The Regional Assessments were used in Plan development and will inform the prioritization of projects and actions. The Regional Assessments provide an objective, landscape-scale perspective on the biophysical and socio-economic processes and features that influence community, watershed, and forest resilience to wildfire, climate change, and extreme events. Additional spatial and remote sensing data, interactive regional maps, and map packages can be found at the NCRP Data link.