Priorities for Enhancing Watershed, fireshed, Forest, and Community resilience in the North Coast Region
This Plan represents a shared vision for watershed, fireshed, forest, and community resilience in the North Coast region of California. Resilience includes the capacity of communities and ecosystems to recover from and adapt to extreme events such as wildfire, flooding, and drought, as well as impacts from climate change, economic, and health disruptions.
The Plan is guided by and aligned with the goals and objectives of Tribal, federal, state, regional, and local plans. It was created with input and guidance from hundreds of experts, partners, and community members, using the best available data and information, including Indigenous science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge, regional remote sensing, and local knowledge. The Plan includes a comprehensive list of Strategies that articulate a shared regional vision, and Solutions and Projects to implement this vision. Guided by Indigenous knowledge, Good Fire is a critical tool for revitalizing and enhancing the resilience of forests, watersheds, and communities.